Benepath, Inc

Online Medicare Supplement Leads Are the Fastest Way to Build an Insurance Agency


Newtown Sq, PA -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/14/2019 -- Health insurance agents looking for solid Medicare supplement leads can go about this in two different ways: direct mail leads and leads purchased from a lead generation company. There are actually more ways to source leads, but these are the two most common ones.

Understanding how each of the various leads works and what to expect in terms of conversions is important in making the most of each category.

The most traditional method of generating leads is the tried and true direct mail campaign. This method has been around for years and still works, although social media platforms have put a crimp in its effectiveness. Direct mail is precisely what it sounds like – bundles of cards sent to mailboxes in a particular target area of a city, town or state. Those interested in Medicare supplements simply reply to the card with updated contact information. "You follow up, do due diligence and convert the lead," said Clelland Green, RHU, CEO

In the digital age however, it is less likely though that contacts receiving direct mail are going to take the time to read the information, fill out a card and mail it back. Most even partially computer savvy seniors use the Internet to search for health insurance options and prices. These are the potential customers that lead generation companies find for you.

Internet supplement leads are a bit different than direct mail campaigns as an agent gets access to Medicare prospects just about instantly. Leads can be tailored to the agent's geographic area or other parameters and can be delivered in real time, daily, weekly or whatever is specified when the leads are ordered.

"They can be shared leads or exclusive leads and the agent ordering them from a lead generation company needs to know the difference between shared and exclusive leads," added Green. "Shared means you and about 7 other agents are all working the same leads. Exclusive means exclusive only to you and you do not have competition." Lead generation companies such as also stand by their leads.

Not sure what route to use when sourcing leads? Try several and see what pans out the best in terms of response rate and conversions. Choose the one what works well and move forward to refine it.