
AMG Services and Never Be Bored Announce Summer Camp for Kids

AMG Services will be sponsoring a summer camp planned by family entertainment website Never Be Bored. The camp will include sports and activities for school-goers stuck at home.

Posted: Monday, June 16, 2014 at 12:00 PM CDT

San Francisco, CA -- (SBWire) -- 06/16/2014 --This year, family entertainment website Never Be Bored and AMG services are joining hands to invent new ways of keeping families busy. The two organizations will host a summer camp to help kids beat the boredom that comes when school-going children and teens are stuck at home.

“The problem of boredom during the summer holidays is widespread. I see parents taking their kids to the libraries, sports facilities, camping—anywhere they think they can escape the boredom,” said Josh Garfield, the Program Coordinator for Never Be Bored. “We think there’s a big gap between the provision of entertainment facilities and the demand that exists for such facilities.”

AMG Services was approached by Never Be Bored about a month ago with a proposal to cosponsor a summer camp for families. Being a home décor and furnishing company targeting middle-income households, AMG Services got interested.

“The proposal from Never Be Bored came at the perfect time, just as we were preparing to launch our new line of outdoor furniture,” AMG’s marketing head Christina Roberts says. “The summer camp will help us get into the hearts and minds of our prospect customers.”

The first summer camp is being arranged in San Diego, and will be replicated in other cities after the pilot project runs successfully. “We are planning summer camps in six cities in the next phase, which is expected to start in the mid of July,” Never Be Bored’s Josh Garfield said.

The summer camp will feature sports such as basketball, swimming and tennis as well as fun activities such as water sports, snorkeling, scuba diving, ballooning, and paragliding. AMG Services has agreed to pay a part of the expenses, so the participating families can avail the facilities at a fraction of their actual cost. The venues for the summer camp will be announced soon.

By Lauren Adams

About Never Be Bored is a popular blog, publishing content and tips about family entertainment. Movies, sports, and outdoor fun activities are some of the topics that the website regularly features.