
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Now Offer Powerful, Fat Burning hCG Diet Treatments to Eliminate the Belly Fat Found to Cause Kidney Disease

Now, with specially developed hCG diet treatments, Diet Doc patients are finally able to rid themselves of the unwanted, embarrassing and dangerous belly fat that has been linked to kidney disease in a new study.

Posted: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 4:00 AM CST

Escondido, CA -- (SBWire) -- 11/19/2013 --Carrying around excess belly fat may not just be uncomfortable and embarrassing, according to a new study, researchers now believe that it may also contribute to an increased risk for kidney disease. But, learning how to rid themselves of unwanted belly fat is something that many dieters in Florida struggle with daily. Fortunately, Diet Doc now offers powerful, fat burning hCG diet treatments that naturally target stored fat in hard to reach areas of the body while actively suppressing the appetite to allow patients the ability to make healthier eating choices. These exclusive hCG diet treatments have already allowed thousands of Diet Doc patients to begin reaching their weight loss goals, decrease their risks for weight-related illnesses, like kidney disease, and begin living healthier, more active lifestyles.

As reported on this week by Medical News Today, researchers with John Hopkins University claim that reducing belly fat and cutting down on dietary phosphorus has been linked to lower levels of protein in the urine – one of the first indicators of kidney disease. These results, published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, suggests that belly fat, and its association with kidney disease cause these organs to lose their ability to clean the blood of waste products, causing damage to bones, an increased risk for high blood pressure, anemia, nerve damage and poor health overall.

Diet Doc’s hCG diets provide their Florida clients with a fast and effortless solution to the increased risk for kidney disease and have made their programs easily available to potential patients across the United States. Unlike other hCG diet plans, Diet Doc offers their services completely through telemedicine, eliminating the need to spend time or money travelling to a weight loss clinic for face-to-face meetings. Clients can easily consult with their physician, nurse or certified nutritionist over the phone or the internet at a date and time that is convenient for their schedule. And, patients are also able to utilize telemedicine to order weight loss supplements, belly fat burning diet pill or exclusive Diet Doc treatments and can have their supplies shipped directly to their home or office.

Diet Doc is committed to providing their clients with the highest quality of naturally produced ingredients and develops their exclusive treatments in their own, fully licensed and United States based pharmacies. Diet Doc’s hCG diet treatments contain prescription levels of hormones, naturally produced by pregnant women, that specifically target excess belly fat, mobilize that stored fat and flush it out of the patient’s body. Unlike other hCG diet plans that utilize only homeopathic hCG levels that are incapable of producing significant weight loss results, Diet Doc treatments require a valid physician prescription because of the powerful levels that produce rapid results.

While many patients initially seek out Diet Doc’s weight loss programs to lose weight fast and achieve the slimmer, sexier figure they desire, during their program, most of those patients also experience an increase in their overall health and, subsequently, a reduced risk for weight-related diseases.

Diet Doc Contact Information:
San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482
Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg

hCG Diets from Diet Doc.