
Canadian Publisher Signs "Neglected" Great Authors of Yesteryear; Rescuing Their Discriminating Fiction from Sea of Self-Published Works

Books We Love, Ltd. has a simple mandate; to provide a publishing and marketing platform for masterly authors who had their careers pulled from underneath them during the big-name publisher “swallow up” of the 1980s and 1990s. Signing authors who have spent the greater part of their lives honing their skills, Books We Love Ltd. is once again turning the spotlight onto quality writers that readers have been trying to find for twenty years.

Posted: Friday, July 18, 2014 at 2:42 PM CDT

Calgary, AB -- (SBWire) -- 07/18/2014 --In this day and age, most self and vanity publishing services will take a cheque from anyone willing to hand one over. This leaves critics and readers with the disheartening task of having to sort the literary wheat from the chaff. However, one Canadian publisher is on a bold mission to not only re-connect readers with fiction written by master wordsmiths with decades of experience, but to re-ignite the careers of acclaimed and much-loved authors that readers thought had dropped off the radar for good.

Calgary-based and independent Books We Love Ltd. is highly exclusive about who they sign; opting for previously-published authors who were left stranded after their small to mid-size publishers were swallowed up by the big guys. Many of these genre authors became bestsellers and literary legends in their own rights, only to find their careers pushed under the rug and readers crying out for their return.

Authors under their wing include Joan Hall Hovey (known to many as Canada’s “Queen of Suspense”), Juliet Waldron, known for such historical favorites as Mozart’s Wife and Hand Me Down Bride, Kat Attalla who has over a dozen available romance titles and Jamie Hill, who is celebrating the print release of her new romantic suspense, ‘Pieces of the Past’ book one in her ‘Witness Security’ series. With over fifty authors to explore, the Books We Love Ltd. bibliography is a true Hall of Fame.

“We’re releasing new and re-printed books only from authors who have a solid reputation for quality and credentials to match. They have won awards, dominated the former mid-lists and are often authority figures in their own professional industry,” explains Judith Pittman, Publisher for Books We Love Ltd.. “However, they were literally left with nowhere to turn after their publishers were incorporated into others and their works delisted. Considering many of these authors spent decades refining their skills and had loyal fan bases – it’s a travesty.”

Continuing, “The good news is that they have now found a home at Books We Love Ltd. and we’re passionate about connecting them with their former readers, as well as garnering a new audience. You’ll often hear people asking what happened to that author they were once addicted to; well, he or she could very well be with us!”

Of course, any great author would be oppressed without an extensive distribution network for their work. To that end, Books We Love Ltd. has just signed a deal to distribute their books in print in the USA, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Red Tuque will also be handling a portion of the distribution in Canada, with both distributors releasing a combined twenty-five titles this coming fall.

“This print distribution is a big step for our authors, returning their work to its original format. Of course, we’ve not forgotten about eBooks and currently have over four-hundred titles exclusively available through Amazon Kindle. With each book priced at $4.99 or under, getting some of literature’s forgotten heroes into your hands has never been cheaper,” Pittman adds.

In all, it’s a busy period of growth for Books We Love Ltd., who have long-term plans to continue uncovering supposed ‘bygone’ authors and giving them back the careers they once thrived within.

For more information on the company and their authors, visit:



About Books We Love Ltd.
Books We Love, Ltd. is a publisher of discriminating fiction in eBook and print formats. The publisher gives away fabulous prizes, Kindles spa baskets, books, books and more books in their monthly contests.