
Crowdfunding Campaign in Progress for Gemak Vending - Gourmet Frozen Dinner Vending for Apartments

Posted: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 9:45 AM CST

Baton Rouge, LA -- (SBWire) -- 11/24/2015 --Gemak Vending - Gourmet Frozen Dinner Vending for Apartments is an idea that will cater to the needs of people leading a busy urban lifestyle with no time for or no inclination towards preparing and cooking a meal, nevertheless they appreciate the importance of having good quality nutritious food.

Annie Kramer the mind behind the idea of a Gourmet Frozen Dinner Vending aims to provide vending machine food a much needed face lift through her idea. The Gemak project is currently in need of funding to cover the costs of acquiring a hi-tech vending machine equipped with quality, innovative foods sourced from various independent small manufacturers, a crowdfunding campaign has been launched on KickStarter with a funding goal of at least $8,500 to be raised before Mon, January 11, 2016.

Annie, a busy student and the developer of Gemak Vending explains: "I am starting a revolution - a revolution in food, technology and vending. And I am inviting you to participate in this revolution. It is an amazing experience. It will take us far. It is a step toward the future. It will become the normal way of business and you help propel this venture which will change the world in which we all live."

Annie used her experience and knowledge from a volunteering work, jobs in various apartment complexes and her own life as a busy student to understand that there was a need for a creative solution that combines technology and good quality food. She further developed her understanding of the market and their needs by conducting online surveys that directed her and her crew to create "Gemack Vending" for place it in a high-traffic area such as apartment complexes to provide the residents convenient access to gourmet meals for affordable prices.

The ongoing Kickstarter with an $8,500 funding goal has seen steady progress since its launch. However the campaign has a long way to go to reach its goals and is seeks the generosity of the online crowd who appreciate the importance of good food and support creative solutions that aim to make live healthier. The funds raised through the current crowdfunding campaign will be allocated to various aspects necessary for the completion of the product for customer use. A majority of the funding will be assigned purchase one frozen dinner vending machine and the rest will be allocated towards rewards, printing, shipping (of the machine) and customization - printing the logo on the machine.

A variety of different rewards and perks are also being offered to prize the generosity of those who support the campaign and the project through their monetary contributions the rewards will include specially designed and manufactured items which will be given according to the amount of money pledged.

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About Annie Kramer
Annie Kramer is a high school student from Baton Rouge, LA. She has an ambition to change the way people eat and what vending machines offer. She has previously volunteered at the local hospital in the Cardiac and Neo-Natal ICU units. She has worked jobs in multi-family apartments which led her to identify a niche that needed to be filled.

Media Contact:
Annie Kramer
Baton Rouge, LA