
DF Social : A Unique System Added with Staking and Farming Functions for the Community

Posted: Tuesday, January 05, 2021 at 1:15 AM CST

Riga City, Latvia -- (SBWire) -- 01/05/2021 --The blockchain developer community and its enthusiasts have been regularly finding new ways to deliver something better and new to the people. Working on similar lines DF Social has built a value-added token and a community-first product offering that combines two highly dynamic and rewarding activities, staking and farming.

Looks interesting, right? Well, DF Social combines the benefits of a decentralized financial system, staking, and farming to deliver better rewards with fun included. As a decentralized financial system, DF Social leverages the potential of blockchain technology to reform the accessibility of digital banking services for the community.

What is DF Social and Why is it Important?

DF Social is not just another replica of a DeFi platform that provides access to a global platform for staking, liquidity provisioning, and farming. Instead, DF Social is an improvised version of the basic services and adds value to the entire DeFi framework. First, the interface of DF Social is better than what a user has access to with other platforms. It is designed by keeping the user in mind and has been modified to be as intuitive as possible.

The second and possibly the most important aspect of any DeFi space is project security. The smart contracts on DF Social ERC20 have been specifically developed to ensure all-round asset protection and the ability to deliver smooth and hassle-free transactions with a high level of security.

The DF Social tokens have a limited supply. Only 21,000 tokens have been minted and there will be no further minting of the tokens.

YFDAI is another platform with a similar to tokenomics and its market capitalization peaked at $15,500,000. Assuming that DF Social performs at par or better than YFDAI, any investor coming joining with $300 stands to gain an ROI of a whopping 1300%.

Staking and Farming on DF Social

There are two staking pools that have been delivered to date for the users to engage and earn more tokens. With 750% APY, members who stake on DF Social stand to gain an increase in the value of their staked assets by 2.04% every day. Plus, there is a finite resource of DF Social tokens (5000) kept aside for staking. As per the developers, this much token stock is expected to last until August 2021.

After getting the DF Social tokens from Uniswap the users can start staking on the platform and start earning more DF Social tokens.

The initial pair to run on the liquidity pool is WETH/DFSocial. Depending on the liquidity share in the pool, the users can earn up to 30 DF Social tokens in the first week after launch. After its launch, the users will be able to farm the ETH/DFSocial LP tokens that can be acquired from Uniswap on the DF Social liquidity pool. As a reward, the farmers will be able to earn DF Social tokens and surprise APY on the same.

Having Fun and Earning on DF Social

The motive of this part of the project is simple, the users play games to earn the tokens. These DF Social tokens can then be used to stake or farm on the platform. But the dedicated gaming portal will be ready by the 1st quarter of 2021.

DF Social Team

DF Social is the brainchild of a young and talented developer from Spain. Before developing this platform, the founder was employed at MicroStrategy, a firm that has invested a huge percentage in bitcoin. The entire DF Social team is working to build a great platform, for which they have already partnered with several other platforms with more in the pipeline.

To Sum it Up

The DF Social Token team has put it very beautifully,

"Some people see DeFi as a bubble, others as an opportunity for financial freedom…But, the question is not how do you see it, the question is: Are you ready?"

Team of the project

DF Social is a unique platform that provides fun and revenue at the same time. Once it is fully functional, the users can expect to earn much more than what is predicted by the development team.

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