
Dr. Joseph Bedich Urges Patients to Get Help with Sleep Apnea

Snoring has an effect on 30 percent of people in America. Second-hand snoring – being kept awake or even having your own rest disturbed by a snoring partner – has an effect on approximately 73 percent of individuals that sleep at night with someone who snores.

Posted: Thursday, March 06, 2014 at 1:55 PM CST

Cortland, OH -- (SBWire) -- 03/06/2014 --Dr. Joseph Bedich explains, “Although snoring seems physically harmless, it may be a red flag for a much more serious and sometimes fatal condition called obstructive sleep apnea.” This happens when the air passage deflates, blocking airflow into the lungs. The harder one tries to breathe, the tighter the air passage seals. This airway blockage persists until the brain partly wakes up the person.

The exhausting sleep apnea cycle starts out by falling asleep, the jaw relaxing and the air passage collapsing. Then the brain struggles to rouse itself before suffocation, the person unconsciously awakens with a gasp and then falls back to sleep only to start the cycle again. This cycle could repeat itself 50 or maybe more times each hour during the night. Along with a blocked air passage, the person who snores can’t obtain adequate oxygen, and this may lead to other issues.

“Everyone knows about the ugly results of second-hand smoke, but have you seen the news about how bad second-hand snoring can be to you?” asks Dr. Bedich. Research shows that bedmates of people who snore are losing just as much sleep as the snorer. Given that snorers can produce nearly 80 decibels of sound, a bed partners’ noisy rumbles are detrimental to the snorer and the bedmate.

According to recent research by the Mayo Clinic and Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario people who sleep next to a snorer have more pain, endure excessive fatigue, are more likely to fall asleep at the wheel and could eventually find themselves deaf in certain sound frequencies. A Mayo Clinic study found that spouses of snorers awakened more than 21 times every hour, nearly matching the snorer’s rate of 27 times an hour being aroused from sleep.

What has been shown to be effective at silencing snoring is a lightweight dental device worn by the snorer like a mouthguard and molded by Dr. Bedich of The Center for Progressive Dentistry, who has taken courses in the physiology of snoring. The snore-stopping appliance helps the snorer keep the lower jaw positioned slightly forward, preventing the airway from closing and ending the vibration of the soft tissues. Take the test while you’re reading this. Simply lie back, move the lower jaw forward, relax and try to get the throat to make snoring sounds. It’s nearly impossible.

About Dr. Bedich and his team
Dr. Bedich and his team offer comprehensive dental services. His skills are centered on the latest, most promising treatments. If you are suffering from sleeping with a snorer, suggest a visit to Dr. Bedich. Call 330-637-7971 to make an appointment with a dentist qualified in snoring and sleep apnea treatment.