
High School English Teacher Sparked Student's Lifetime of Novel Writing

Tracy Falbe explained how a letter from her 17-year-old self written as an assignment in high school triggered her novel writing. This and other inspirations are revealed in an interview at the blog of Susan Stuckey where Falbe was promoting her ninth novel Werelord Thal: A Renaissance Werewolf Tale.

Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 2:00 PM CST

Battle Creek, MI -- (SBWire) -- 02/12/2014 --On February 12th an interview with fantasy author Tracy Falbe appeared on the blog of Susan Stuckey, author of the Kalieri Tales a series of fantasy short stories. In response to the question about what inspired Falbe to start writing novels, she said she had written a letter to herself as a teenager that told her to do it.

In the interview Falbe explained, “My high school English teacher Mrs. Seiter had all her students write letters to their adult selves, and she held them and mailed them out years later. In my letter, my 17-year-old self told me to start writing. I had always been a writer. In grade school I loved writing stories and illustrating them and stapling them together into books. I wrote a couple novels as a teenager, but I figured they weren’t very good because I had not experienced much of life yet. That’s why in my letter to my adult self I told myself to write. I figured by then I would have more meaningful things to say. I’ve been writing ever since.”

It was in 1996 when Falbe received this letter. She was 24 at the time and began writing what became her first published novel Union of Renegades a few months after getting the letter.

She has authored nine novels since then and is currently touring blogs to promote her new release Werelord Thal: A Renaissance Werewolf Tale. This paranormal historical fantasy is set 1561 Bohemia. The plot is driven by Thal’s quest to avenge his mother who was tortured and executed in Prague for witchcraft. As her last act of magic she cast the werewolf spell that summoned him from the forest. He had been living for decades as a wolf after being transformed by his sorcerer father. Now he is a man with werewolf powers that he controls by speaking the spell written on an enchanted wolf fur.

Other subjects covered in the interview at Stuckey’s blog include which writers inspire Falbe, how did she get the idea for Werelord Thal, and tips for aspiring authors. Coupons for the ebook and paperback are shared at the blog along with a 4-chapter preview of the novel.

“I still wish I could thank Mrs. Seiter for her clever idea, but I don’t know how to contact her. Having teenagers write letters to their adult selves was a great idea. It’s so easy to forget dreams once adult life takes over,” Falbe said.

Paperbacks of Werelord Thal a historical paranormal romance by Tracy Falbe are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Createspace.