
How to Buy and Sell a House, Best Way to Buy and Sell Property at Same Time

People are buying and selling houses all the time, but how many of them are doing both at once?

Posted: Thursday, August 08, 2013 at 10:29 AM CDT

Pittsfield, MA -- (SBWire) -- 08/08/2013 would like to share its input about this topic, such as:

- Get Ready to Stress Out
- Hire a Real Estate Professional
- Know the Numbers
- Develop a Plan

Become Stress-Ready

Buying and selling a house is amazingly stress-inducing. Simply buying a home is stressful. So is selling one. Trying to do both at the same time? Downright crazy!! It’s hard to juggle holding two mortgages and attempting to time the sale of one house with the purchase of the other. Accept that this sort of stress is inevitable and normal, know that it’s part of the package, and all will be well.

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Get a Real Estate Agent

When it comes to how to buy and sell a house, the best step to take may be hiring a realtor or real estate agent. Generally, realtors can help a person find the 3 rights (house, neighborhood, and price), but it isn’t always easy. That’s why one should meet with his realtor frequently and discuss what’s going on. A local agent or broker can help a person understand his home’s true value and offer some suggestions about how to market it. An effective agent will be accessible at all hours and will know the neighborhood in which one wishes to reside.

It’s All in the Numbers

Get a clear idea of both buying and selling a house so one can know his financing options. Buying and selling houses simultaneously is complicated enough without confusion about how much financing one needs to complete the transactions. Utilize a realtor to define how much of a down payment one will need. Fill out a loan application for pre-approval so one understands exactly how much house he can afford.

Devise a Plan of Action

Buying and selling houses requires excellent planning. Not every plan suits each person’s situation, and there are several conditions that vary. One of them is the shape of the buying market. Is it competitive? If so, adding on a contingency that one’s house must sell before one purchases another may not work. If one is selling in a competitive market, he may be able to negotiate with a buyer for escrow or rent back. Work closely with the realtor to know the market and how to handle it.

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