
IG Auto Like Takes the Initiative of Informing Its Users About the Instability of the Site

Posted: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 2:30 AM CDT

Florina, Greece -- (SBWire) -- 07/29/2015 --IG Auto Like is an online based auto comments and auto likes provider offering its customers auto Instagram likes as well as comments within affordable range. The company works in collaboration with its customers and is considered the one stop solution for quality based Instagram services. At they use safe and natural methods of increasing their customer's popularity on Instagram. IG Auto Like is actually a social media management firm operating in Thessaloniki, Greece. The professionals working with this firm are not only equipped with the skills of offering Instagram auto likes but they are sheer Instagramers having detailed knowledge about everything in relation to the use of Instagram. The company officials put in their best efforts in promoting the Instagram posts and profiles of their clients for generating, receiving and collecting auto Instagram comments and likes. All these services offered by IG Auto Like are available within an affordable range as well and this comes as an added feature of the excellent services provided by the site. The company officials and administrators are providing liability and safety of their services and it is also offering packages specially developed for meeting the requirements of clients.

Recently, this online portal for auto Instagram comments and likes could not operate in a normal manner for the last ten to fourteen days. This was because they found that the site was compromised. Google informed the site owners by way of Google Webmaster Tools that there are some security issues with the site and they need to be resolved immediately. During the last two weeks, the site owners and professionals have been continuously working towards fixing this security issue but this has lost them their rankings. Interested visitors were unable to find them through Google Search. The company is about 150 to 190 rankings down at present. However, they were reachable through emails and browsers where the url was written directly.

The clients orders have been delayed because cleaning procedures have been initiated since the complain from Google. The company has taken to the media platform for informing its customers about the genuineity and the safety of their transactions during this period. A number of changes have been made during the cleaning procedure so that account credentials of the clients are 100% safe and secure. The passwords have been deleted completely the company is making all efforts towards resetting the passwords for their clients. The problem was actually an image that came along with a plug in. This problem was removed by the security personnel and it has been suggested to keep the website safe.

The site has now informed its visitors and their clients to keep updating their plug ins and their wordpress versions. Regular updates are important but the customers should also keep one thing in mind and that is to secure a backup prior to moving on with the updates. The site owners have got into the contacts of SiteLock for getting regular information on keeping the site safe and clean.

The detailed information on the security update of IG Auto Like is available on:

For more information visit the website

For Media Contact:
Company Name: Easy WebSol Company
Contact Person: Solakis Michail
Phone: (0030) 6986156674
Address:Averof 79
City: Florinta
Country: Greece
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