ReleaseWire Makes Tracking Household Chores a Rewarding Fun for Kids

The website helps both parents and kids to track and manage household chores with great fun and reward

Posted: Thursday, September 04, 2014 at 1:55 PM CDT

Irvine, CA -- (SBWire) -- 09/04/2014 --The website built for helping both parents and kids teaches how to convert the otherwise boring activity of tracking and managing household chores into fun which is rewarding as well.

The website provides the necessary tools to transform daily household chore planning and handling activities into a rewarding fun with an extra opportunity to engage the kids in a positive way.

“Simply follow these four steps of registering for the website, adding your kids to your profile, assigning them to the designated household chores and putting them to work and this will bring you to the realm of another world where working is fun. And what is more your kids will learn how to look at the bright side of every task thus helping them to always think positively. So why not join us today for sharing the experience of the chore tracker” said a spokesman of the organization when asked how it works.

The site has predefined chore charts including various chores for kids and household chore calendars. Kidster encourages developing personal chore charts and calendars including every task to be completed around the house.

Kidster provides various rewarding ideas like cash rewards, latest video games, staying out late at night or a visit to a favorite destination along with opening a savings account and allowing the kids to operate them individually.

We have applied the same system of tracking chores at our homes. We chose to create this site to share our experience so that the kids receive their initial training on how to be a good family member and thus becoming a good citizen later” shared another spokesman on the inspiration of creating the website.

The Kidster chore tracker is a great tool to help kids and adults alike grow together as a team, they automatically learn how to value time and unknowingly move forward to be disciplined and responsible people with positive contribution to the society.

About Kidster
Kidster provides a great tool for Kids and Parents to create and track chores in an enjoyable manner.

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