
New PLR Shoppe by Carol Amato Will Provide Quality Researched and Well-Written Content

Posted: Monday, July 22, 2013 at 10:45 AM CDT

Pensacola, FL -- (SBWire) -- 07/22/2013 --Announcing the grande opening (07-11-13) of Carol Amato’s PLR Shoppe is providing online business owners with PLR (Private Label Rights) about a variety of subjects. The PLR Shoppe will continue to grow and provide its customers with quality content that spans a range of topics.

Internet marketers who want fresh and original content for their sites find purchasing well-written PLR is the least expensive and most informative. Many online PLR sites exist, but there are few that provide quality content – said to be one of the most important aspects of creating and maintaining an income-producing site.

Carol Amato’s PLR Shoppe will provide the content you need for ebooks, reports, blog posts and more. PLR is intended to help drive traffic to yours or an affiliate’s site, and by personalizing the PLR, you can make it your own in very little time and minimal effort.

The topics in Carol’s PLR Shoppe will range from trending topics for current niches to evergreen topics that will be forever relevant. The shoppe will strive to cover all Internet marketing topics such as fitness, health, travel, affiliate marketing and many others.

Carol Amato has been the “go to” Internet marketing guru to beginning IMers. She has become successful over the years by immersing herself in all there is to know to make her business take wings.

Now, Carol is helping others who have the dream of being his or her own boss and running a business that helps pay the bills and also lets you have invaluable family time. Carol’s approach to Internet marketing success has always been to share with others what she’s learned and that has worked for her own business.

Because of that mantra, Carol has developed a following of devoted followers that have helped to spur her own business to new heights. With the PLR Shoppe, Carol has climbed yet another step to growing her business even more – and with that is helping others supply their sites with much needed quality and highly researched content.

The PLR Shoppe fits perfectly with Carol’s objective of helping others achieve their Internet marketing goals and interacting with her followers and customers. She maintains a very interactive blog that offers advice and help, and other sites designed to help her business grow and to help others become successful.

Carol lives in Florida where she enjoys the beach, spending time with her children and husband, and brainstorming her next ideas that will help her business and her followers. You can see what’s happening in Carol’s PLR Shoppe by clicking on the following link:

Keep in mind that there will be more evergreen and trending topics to come as Carol researches and discovers what Internet marketers want and need.

Carol Amato
Pensacola, Florida