
Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announces Diet Plans That Are Simple & Promote Natural, Safe and Permanent Weight Loss for Patients Nationwide

Utilizing the most current technology has enabled Diet Doc to offer the opportunity for safe, fast and permanent weight loss to patients in even the most remote areas of the country delivering effective and consistent diet plans to everyone.

Posted: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 4:00 AM CST

Escondido, CA -- (SBWire) -- 11/19/2013 --Science has revealed that when the metabolism is functioning properly, hCG works in sync assuring that the body is producing enough energy to function. Unfortunately, most people do not consume enough nutrient rich foods to keep the body operating at maximum capacity. The professionals at Diet Doc are experts in the science of safe, fast and permanent weight loss and intimately understand what foods promote weight gain and what foods promote weight loss. By working closely with each patient and designing hCG diet plans that are unique to each patient’s individual metabolism, lifestyle, nutritional needs and medical conditions, the company has been successful in helping thousands achieve their personal goals for permanent weight loss.

Diet Doc’s prescription hCG treatments help patients over initial weight loss hurdles, but the diet plans are so effective because they combine these treatments with education on the most effective methods to lose weight for patients of every shape and size and for all body types.

To ensure that each patient is receiving the safest and most effective prescription hCG treatments, Diet Doc manufactures all prescription products in their own fully licensed, FDA approved, United States based pharmacies. Subsequent to a satisfactory medical evaluation and doctor consultation, prescription hCG treatments will be delivered directly to patient’s doors, eliminating costly, time consuming, and embarrassing visits to local weight loss clinics. Included in their package, patients will receive a Certificate of Analysis, performed by a third party laboratory, showing the quality and level of each active ingredient.

Each patient’s life changing transition to a leaner and healthier body is supervised by Diet Doc’s staff of board certified physicians, nurses and nutritionists. Clients can feel confident that they will quickly reach their fat loss goals because their progress is continuously monitored along the way, updated or altered if results begin to taper.

Because support is crucial for successful long term weight loss, Diet Doc’s team of dedicated professionals are available via phone or email 6 days per week and eager to lend unlimited support, guidance and encouragement before, during, and for up to one full year after the last ounce of excess fat has disappeared. This level of commitment, dedication and service is unparalleled by competitors and has made Diet Doc the most trusted and reliable long term prescription hCG program in the country.

With the use of the most current technology, patients in even the most remote areas of the country have the opportunity to change their lives with the ease of making a telephone call, avoiding the risk of weight-related diseases and reducing the severity of many pre-existing conditions with healthy, safe and fast weight loss.

Diet Doc encourages those that need to lose as little as 10 pounds to those that must lose much more to make the life changing decision to improve health and enjoy a more active lifestyle by calling the experts today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

Diet Doc Contact Information:
San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482
Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg

hCG Diets from Diet Doc.