
The Medepage Healthcare Revolution Rolls On

The healthcare revolution rolls on to include a global healthcare audience. Medepage is fast becoming a world of employment opportunities as the community, networking and job search website going from strength to strength.

Posted: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 6:15 PM CDT

Melbourne, VIC -- (SBWire) -- 07/26/2011 --Over the past month, Medepage has been undergoing a bit of a transformation to improve the experience for members and clients alike. The database has been expanded to enable members from all over the world to register. Clients too from USA, UK, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand can now register, post jobs and network with the Medepage community. Australian clients have been able to post jobs for the past 4 weeks and have posted jobs in larger than expected number, for a whole range of healthcare professional positions, including sales, pharmaceuticals, nursing, medical and administrative. Clients include Hospitals, HR consultancies’ and Nurses agencies.

Managing Director and co-founder Tony Bullock-Formosa said, “A number of new countries can now join the Medepage healthcare revolution. It’s an exciting time for our healthcare community as we expand our database to go beyond our Australian roots. Members too, from all over the world, can now join Medepage. USA job’s are starting to appear and with a number of American clients already registered, more jobs will follow soon”.

Tony went onto say that ”Members are getting the benefit of some great new functions. We have upgraded our calendar feature and moved the upload resume and email me jobs feature to the members profile page. The member’s friend’s function has been overhauled and we are starting to roll out options to add friends from a number of sources e.g. AOL and Gmail and others will follow. A member’s homepage feature is currently under construction and this will include a friends and groups widget plus much more.”

We asked Tony, what else is on the horizon for members? He said, “We are in the process of updating our website home page to incorporate the members sign up function. We’ve taken this opportunity to simplify our member’s registration process in anticipation of this. Probably the biggest and most beneficial change to Medepage is something they can’t see, our page rank, and Alexa ranking. They have been steadily rising since our launch and our Alexa ranking rises almost daily. This is great news to our members and clients because it’s a clear indication that our traffic, membership and interest in our healthcare community is gaining momentum.

If you’re looking for the best way to connect to colleagues and friends or search for jobs in the healthcare sector, look no further. Register as a members or client with now, to be part of a global healthcare revolution.