
Bocker's Biography, Chasing Bocker's Tale, Published in eBook Format by First Edition Design eBooks

Bocker the Labradoodle's eBook Distributed to 3,500 online locations.

Posted: Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 10:12 AM CDT

Sarasota, FL -- (SBWire) -- 08/25/2011 --First Edition Design eBook Publishing's recent eBook release, Chasing Bocker's Tale, is the biography of a movie star, Bocker the Labradoodle. Bocker has appeared in Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts, numerous TV shows, commercials and fashion ads. Bocker appeared at the 2011 pre-Westminster Fashion Show with actress Amanda Henderson (

Chasing Bocker’s Tale in eBook format, ISBN 9781937520113, was published by First Edition Design eBook Publishing in Sarasota, Florida. Chasing Bocker’s Tale was released on Aug 16, 2011 and went “live” in Amazon’s Kindle Store on August 19. Within hours it shot to number 11 on Kindle’s Bestsellers in Children's Nonfiction Animal Books list and received outstanding reviews. For more about this young rising star visit

Bocker’s mom said about ePublisher First Edition Design, “Always ready with the personal touch and answers to every question. Felt a sincere interest in our project, personable and professional. Met every request...So refreshing in today's world.”

Bocker’s biography Chasing Bocker's Tale, which was distributed by First Edition Design eBook Publishing to 3,500 online distribution points including schools, libraries and retailers, is wonderful read for both children and adults.

Deborah E. Gordon, CEO at First Edition Design Publishing said, “It was an honor and pleasure to work with Bocker and his people. Publishing and distributing his eBook shows our flexibility in publishing and ability to meet our client’s needs. We salute Bocker for his ongoing contribution to spreading happiness. With his eBook now in worldwide distribution, Bocker will enter the hearts of many more.”

First Edition Design eBook Publishing is a licensed Apple Developer and Microsoft Solution Provider. They convert digital files to usable eBook file formats such as HTML, Java, .mobi, ePub, PDF, RFT, LFR, PDB and plain text. As Master Distributors First Edition Design Publishing submits properly formatted eBook files to all major retail online sites including but not limited to: Amazon Kindle, Apple’s iBookstore, Barnes & Noble’s BookNook, Kobo, Google’s eBookstore, Sony, Diesel’s eBookstore and worldwide to over 3,500 additional sites such as libraries, schools, colleges, and universities.