
Ten International Authors Deliver Diverse Anthology

Authors from the US, UK, Canada and Australia pool their talents to create’s Anthology 2.

Posted: Friday, August 26, 2011 at 9:15 AM CDT

Sarasota, FL -- (SBWire) -- 08/26/2011 --Under the direction of Quiet Fury Book’s Darcia Helle, ten authors from the US, UK, Canada and Australia have delivered short stories to create Best Seller Bound’s Anthology 2.

The ten featured authors are: What Was Lost by James Sophi, The Art of Breathing by Jaime McDougall, Soul Windows by Jaleta Clegg, I Didn't Know His Name by Darcia Helle, Red Route by James Everington, Make A Wish by Susan Helene Gottfried, The Last Chance Motel and Mausoleum by Joel Blaine Kirkpatrick, Isolation by Maria Savva, Beyond The Green Hills by Tom Gahan, From Joy We Come, Unto Joy We Return by Ami Blackwelder.

London based book critic and resident author at said, “The BSB ( Short Story Anthology - Volume 2, is a wonderful collection of short stories by members of Having had success on Amazon with Volume 1, Darcia (BsB’s creator) decided to make this an ongoing project. On BSB we are dedicated to finding ways to promote our members’ work.  Independent writers often struggle to get their books noticed. The short story anthologies are our way of bringing some of the great talent we have on our board into the public eye. The collections are available free to download, and we hope readers will find new authors to enjoy by checking out their short stories. Most of the contributors also have novels and other short story collections available, so the anthologies are a way of introducing unknown authors to the reading public. I continue to be amazed by the quality of writing being produced by self-published and independent writers. At BSB, we don't want to keep it secret... there's a whole world of books that readers are missing out on by only buying the bestsellers. In Volume 2 alone, there are at least three stories that stood out to me as masterpieces.”

The 27,300 word BestSellerBound Short Story Anthology 2, edited by Darcia Helle, is available as a free download in various formats at, and currently as a 99 cent download at’s Kindle Store

Darcia Helle said, “I am honored to be part of a community of authors who are not only immensely talented but are also overwhelmingly generous and truly nice people. Our hope is that our words will entertain you, move you, make you smile, give you a shiver and maybe make you cry.”

Tom Gahan, author of Harmony Bay, a contributor to the anthology and marketing director at First Edition Design eBook Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing) stated, “eBooks have opened doors for writers that were never possible before. With a few mouse clicks a writer can put their work on the road to a worldwide audience. This anthology is providing another vehicle for these authors to ride in on the cyber-highway.”