
Digital Signage Displays- Your Affordable, Electronic Medium

Posted: Monday, September 26, 2011 at 12:15 AM CDT

Sauerweinstr, Hannover -- (SBWire) -- 09/26/2011 --Businesses are moving away from printed signs to more dynamic, flexible, and customisable digital signs, often referred to as digital signage displays. Even advertising and marketing budgets are directed towards this new affordable, electronic medium.

Digital signage are far more beneficial to static signs. They are very talented in grabbing a customer's attention and influencing their purchasing decision right at the point of purchase. Statistics reveal that over 75% of decisions are made in-store which can be further enhanced by the pulsating effect of digital signage. Thus, these can increase impulsive purchasing.

They are capable of eliminating the high cost of creating and distributing print ad campaigns. The much hated perceived wait time by businesses is is shortened by the use of digital signage. Content changes can be easily made and can be customized for various products of customers. Think about menu changes, in store emergency announcements, promotions, facility information...

The retention rate of people is much higher to advertisements shown through digital signage displays up to 37%. People remember those advertisements better which are shown on such signage than the ones shown in television commercials.

For many business organisations today, digital signage has become indispensable for driving sales and raise profits. As compared to the residential models, commercial LCD monitors are far better when it comes to digital screens. This is because commercial LCD screens are specifically designed to withstand continuous use in extremes of climatic conditions.

While most can work regularly for fifteen yours, there are those that can even work twenty four hours a day all seven days a week.

Digital signage displays are now integrating identification technologies‚ such as tiny facial recognition cameras‚ in order to measure viewership more accurately and to tailor advertisements to match audiences. As a consumer draws near to the screen, the camera can record the consumer‚ demographics (age, gender, etc.) and the screen runs an ad to match the consumer’s profile. Facial recognition is the most common targeting method, but other digital signage systems use radio frequency identification, Bluetooth and social networking. Most systems do not record individual identities at present, but there is little barrier to individual identification and profiling in the future. Although somewhat cliché in the digital signage industry, the famous advertising scenes from the movie “Minority Report” are the clearest dramatization of what this medium may ultimately be capable of doing!

To know more about digital signage displays, visit