
E Cig- Feel The 'Real Thing'

E Cig or electronic cigarettes are a revolutionary new product that may interest you if you are a passionate smoker. It serves you in almost every aspect of smoking whether you want to have a deep puff of nicotine, or a lighter one, or just want to end up with the habit. Yes, this is a device that will help you even quit smoking if you wish to.

Posted: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 11:45 PM CDT

Delhi, India -- (SBWire) -- 10/18/2011 --Electronic cigarettes are a class apart when you are looking for a great gift idea for a smoker. This is the same even when you are a smoker yourself and thinking ahead to those new year resolutions. This product really should be called a smoking simulator because that is exactly what it does. It looks, smells, tastes and feels like a real cigarette but is a much healthier and cheaper alternative to real smoking. You can use the different strengths available to lower your nicotine levels over time. Each refill cartridge lasts for around 100 puffs (equivalent of 8-10 real cigs) before needing to be changed.

An e cig is made up of various parts, each of whom serve a different purpose. The device is made up in a manner that will make you feel, or give an impression that you are actually smoking the real thing. There is the LED light cover that lights up when you take a puff, a battery that has all the circuits and is rechargeable, the atomizer that does the heating and the cartridge that is the mouth piece. Most of these parts are replaceable especially the cartridge which houses the nicotine (and also refillable with e-liquid). You can get to change it to the flavor or the strength that you want. This is essential in breaking the habit.

To let you know about the health benefits, there is a long list to be mentioned. For anyone who is dreading the winter months, standing outside at work or on a night out and smoking your cigarette as quickly as possible so that you can get back to the warmth inside – then you know how the smoking ban has affected your enjoyment of smoking. The health benefits are obvious; no nicotine stained teeth and fingers, much better skin tone, plus the fact that you aren’t putting tar and other cancer-causing chemicals into your body with the new e cig. The refill cartridges contain propylene glycol (dry ice), water, flavouring and nicotine.

There have been a varied number of companies selling these items. As there is a huge craze of electronic cigarettes among the smokers, this is where every business is vying to get the largest chunk of share in the market. One very important issue to consider when purchasing your first e cig is your supplier. E Cigarettes are not currently regulated and anyone, in effect, can import these products and sell them online. You need to ensure that you are buying from a reputable company and in order to be a reputable company and long-term seller of this item, certain legislation has to be adhered to.