
Electronic Cigarette Needs No Lighter

There are many different types of electronic cigarettes in the market and it really is a personal preference.

Posted: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 at 11:00 PM CDT

Delhi, India -- (SBWire) -- 11/02/2011 --The original e cigarette, or Super Cigarette as it is known, is approx 10cm long; this length ensures longer battery life and larger cartridge capacity than other, smaller versions available on the market. The Super is the same size as a king size ‘real’ cigarette. The smaller ‘Mini E cigs’ are around 9cm long and the same size as a traditional cigarette. However, whilst these e cigs are also very good vapour producers, they have disadvantages as the smaller battery needs to be charged more often and the refills do not last as long as the larger e cig.

No lighter is needed to operate an e-cig, and there's no on/off switch to fumble for. There is a sensor that can distinguish when a user inhales through the mouthpiece, and the atomizer automatically begins to heat the solution. Each cartridge of solution lasts for as long as a pack of standard cigarettes, and are thankfully only about half of the cost. Therefore, electronic cigarettes are also a cheaper alternative for smokers who need a change. And since some e-cigarette blends contain some nicotine, they can help to ease the transition for smokers who are trying to curb or even altogether quit their habit.

Electronic Cigarette is relatively new and developing quickly. Initially they came in 3 parts and were longer than normal super kings cigarettes. The 3 parts comprised mouthpiece including nicotine cartridge, atomiser and battery. Now you can get mini e cigs which come in two parts and are around the same size as a king size cigarette. The two parts are battery and mouthpiece including nicotine cartridge and atomiser. Most are reusable devices and are refillable either with nicotine vapour or by replacing the nicotine cartridges.

Electronic circuits of this device include a timed off switch to prevent overheating and a light emitting diode to signal the activation of the device. That light is usually red like a normal cigarette but you can get different colours if you are worried that you are going to be in trouble for smoking in public places. Electronic airflow sensor is also employed so that the device activates automatically upon inhalation. Smoke appears to emit from the e-cigs but that is just water vapour and completely harmless to the smoker and those around them.

Disposable electronic cigarette is designed to be reusable and are priced so that it is a cheaper alternative to actual cigarettes. Each cigarette contains enough nicotine to equal up to two packs of regular cigarettes. Unlike the pricier alternatives of nicotine chewing gum and nicotine patches, disposable e-cigs are made so that the rechargeable batteries can be replaced for just a few dollars.

The word is out. For all you smokers looking to quit, or even for those just looking to try a futuristic new product, electronic cigarettes are an odor-free, risk-free substitute for smokers everywhere. Why not get an e-cig starter kit and try it for yourself today? You'll be glad you did.