
Bath and Body Works Outlet Upgrades Site Design and Layout

Posted: Friday, December 16, 2011 at 11:33 AM CST

New York, NY -- (SBWire) -- 12/16/2011 --Visitors to the fan site Bath and Body Works Outlet will notice a new site layout that aims to streamline content delivery and make the website simpler and more straightforward to navigate.

The Bath and Body Works Outlet site team decided to overhaul the site's layout when they started to receive a critical mass of feedback from site visitors. According to site head Susan Fielding, visitors tended to enjoy the content on the site but often complained that navigating the website or finding the content they were looking for was more difficult than they'd like. According to Fielding, "The entire crew at Bath and Body Works Outlet works hard to create fresh content that budget shoppers are looking for. Like the Bath and Body Works Outlet stores themselves, we need to respond to user feedback as quickly as possible. If not, we know that readers will head to other websites to get their fix of Bath and Body Works Outlet information. To keep and expand upon our readership, we understand that providing content isn't enough. Our information has to be presented in such a way that makes finding the latest information about Bath and Body Works Outlets a breeze."

What major changes did the web design team at Bath and Body Works Outlet make to the site's design? Fielding states that most of the changes were to the color scheme as many users were turned off at the pastel colors that the original website relied on. To compensate, the website has gone with a simple black and white pattern. According to Fielding, this puts the focus of the website where it belongs: on the content. She adds, "In reality, the site's layout shouldn't be something the visitor even notices unless a site is a focused on graphic design or web design. For a site that's almost 100% about Bath and Body Works Outlets, our site doesn't need to be fancy. It just needs to provide visitors with the information they need quickly and easily. As new visitors will notice, the new Bath and Body Works Outlet isn't going to win any design awards. However, it is designed to be easy to navigate."

Other upgrades to the site include more prominently placed social sharing buttons, a search function and a list of the most popular pages. Fielding states that the site may also add a news feed about the latest happenings at Bath and Body Works Outlets.

Bath and Body Works shoppers that want to see the new site for themselves should visit: .