
Lehman, Lee & Xu Attorneys Invited to Address University of Minnesota/renmin University Law

Posted: Monday, July 20, 2009 at 10:55 PM CDT

Beijing, China -- (SBWire) -- 07/20/2009 -- Attorneys from Lehman, Lee & Xu’s Beijing practice recently presented to students from the University of Minnesota School of Law and Renmin School of Law. The program, which gives students from the University of Minnesota and other law schools the chance to experience Chinese law and culture for a month each summer demonstrates the increasing importance foreign law schools are placing on Chinese law.

Attorneys Andrew Lillis (a Minnesota alumi) and Marisa Planells Valero spoke about the life of a foreign lawyer in China, using practical examples to augment their talk. “The practical aspects are really the most important. There is only so much that can be learned in the classroom. It is our hope that providing an insight into the way we practice law will provide the students with an added dimension”, relays Lehman.

Such programs were virtually unheard of even several years ago however there are now a number of such programs where students from a number of U.S. and European law schools visit China. “While few will want to practice long term in China many find it useful to have an overview of the legal system here. I really think it helps them in their careers”.

Lehman, Lee & Xu has had a long and fruitful relationship with Renmin University, having hosted a number of its professors as “of counsel” to boost its litigation practice. “I have always viewed Renmin University as one of the most innovative in China” , relays Ed, long time China resident who has forged relationships with a number of China’s top educational institutions.

The firm, one of China’s largest, is a leader in the field of corporate law and also specialized in intellectual property. With a team comprised of both foreign and Chinese law styled on an American law firm model the firm offers a unique approach amongst Chinese law firms.