
Toyota and NDTV Continue Their Green Campaign With a River Cleanathon

As a part of the hugely successful ‘Greenathon’ campaign, jointly started by Toyota and NDTV, International Volunteer Day (IVD) was celebrated by cleaning up the banks of the Yamuna at Kudesia Ghat, in Delhi, today

Posted: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 at 10:17 PM CST

New Delhi, Delhi -- (SBWire) -- 12/08/2009 -- In their continuing effort to create a cleaner, greener tomorrow through the hugely successful ‘Greenathon’, Toyota and NDTV celebrated International Volunteer Day (IVD) by cleaning up the banks of the Yamuna at Kudesia Ghat, in Delhi, today.

The theme for IVD 2009, as conceived by the United Nations, is ‘Volunteering for our Planet’.

Apart from the cleanup, the ‘River Cleanathon’, aimed to create enthusiasm and spirit by promoting volunteerism, especially among the youth. The volunteers witnessed thought-provoking street plays by student volunteers, and a music concert with performances by popular bands and artists like Terra Noami, The Raghu Dixit Project and Menwhopause.

The event was also supported by local NGOs, celebrities and Toyota representatives. Participating in the ‘River Cleanathon’, Mr. Sandeep Singh, DMD-Marketing, TKM said, “Personally it gives me great satisfaction to be able to contribute in saving the environment, and help reduce further abuse of the Yamuna. And, from Toyota’s perspective, we are happy to be associated with NDTV in furthering this initiative for the second consecutive year.”

About NDTV-Toyota Green Campaign
‘NDTV-Toyota Green Campaign’ with the premise ‘Open up Tomorrow, Today’,
is a three year nationwide environment campaign that aims at creating awareness about issues that threaten the future of our planet. The campaign received an overwhelming response from India’s leading corporates, top Bollywood stars, musicians, environmentalists, NGOs and educational institutions who showed their solidarity towards the cause by participating in various clean up drives, marathon and entertaining the audience round-the-clock with their performances as part of the Greenathon, the 24 hour nonstop television programming. The money raised through this effort was donated to TERI’s ‘Lighting a Billion Lives’ project, solar powering villages across the country.