
LambdaPride.Org Seeks to Serve Aging GLBT Populations with Education and Advocacy

“The headlines were more than we could stand that day,” recalls Craig Williams, M.D. The suicide of a local Dallas elderly gentleman had been captured in just the briefest of details, save one. It was suspected the man was gay. “The detail belonged there, but so did philanthropist, physician, educator, friend and a host of others. But the only thing was that he was gay.”

Posted: Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 11:43 AM CST

Dallas, TX -- (SBWire) -- 02/11/2010 -- While the United States as a whole is beginning to see ageism play out around the country due in part to the economic squeeze and the aging of the population in general, the gay and lesbian segment of the population is experiencing even higher trends of ageism. Gay and lesbian senior citizens are experiencing ageism at horrifying levels. This is manifesting itself in depression, isolation and anxiety according to United States Health and Human Services office. “What data we have is very poor,” says Ann Lukes with World Health Organization.

In response to this need, Lambda Pride Senior Advocacy Services is being formed by Dr. Craig Williams and Dr. Reece Manley both of Dallas, Texas. Dr. Williams is a physician in practice in the Dallas area while Dr. Manley is a professional pastoral counselor and progressive Christian writer. “We are turning to the gay and lesbian community for both seed donations and for talented people willing to volunteer their time and effort.” has been formed and is seeking non-profit status. “We are on target to have all the filing is place by March 2010, assuming we have some help from the community at large,” says Dr. Williams. “We have obtained a website and are seeking people to sign up for the newsletter. We are also asking for assistance in as many ‘queer dollar bills’ as people care to give.”

To make a seed donation or to offer to volunteer to advocate glbt seniors through any number of efforts, the public is encouraged to visit

Craig Williams