
Mobile Applications and Widgets: Portable Applications on Mobile Platforms, Third Edition Market Report Now Available on ReportsandReports

The reader will learn about mobile applications from the inception and evolution of applications on mobile platforms, to current market trends. The state of the current market is defined through current market statistical data, financial and sales trends, user surveys, and assessing the impressions of news media outlets.

Posted: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 9:44 AM CDT

Dallas, TX -- (SBWire) -- 05/11/2010 -- ReportsandReports Announce it Will Carry the Mobile Applications and Widgets: Portable Applications on Mobile Platforms, Third Edition Market Research Report in its Store.

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Mobile Applications and Widgets: Portable Applications on Mobile Platforms, Third Edition provides a complete understanding of the mobile software marketplace. The reader will learn about mobile applications from the inception and evolution of applications on mobile platforms, to current market trends. The state of the current market is defined through current market statistical data, financial and sales trends, user surveys, and assessing the impressions of news media outlets. Each of the top hardware and software platforms are reviewed and evaluated to provide a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape of the smart phone market. This research is an essential read for any organization directly or indirectly involved in the mobile marketplace.

As part of this research, a detailed survey was conducted addressing the following mobile application related factors:

• Primary use of phone (personal, work, both, other)
• Type of phone/OS used (iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile device, Android, WebOS, Symbian, Linux, other)
• Text entry method (keyboard, T9 or similar, On-screen keyboard, or both)
• Primary navigation tool (touch screen, thumbwheel, roller ball, directional keys, optical pad, other)
• Additional phone features (GPS, compass, motion/tilt sensor, camera [still or still and video], memory expansion slot, other)
• Length of phone usage/possession (less than 3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 years, more than 2 years)
• Service plan (branded plan to device, smart phone designed plan, generic plan, generic plan plus data, other)
• Tethering ability (not allowed on plan, included in plan, added to plan, N/A)
• Data usage (unlimited, per byte/MB/GB, don't know, N/A)
• Length of service with operator (less than 3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-5 years, more than 5 years)
• Reason for choosing operator (coverage, cost, plans, devices, speed, quality, customer service, other)
• Installed applications on current phone (yes or no)
• Installing applications - how difficult (easy, average, hard, difficult)
• Source of applications (manufacturer store, carrier store, third-party store, website, application author's source, wrote yourself, other)
• Management of applications (on own device, software with device, third-party software, Web-based tool, carrier does it, command shell, other)
• Applications or mobile websites (application run and save on device, mobile website run and keep on website, both, don't know, other)
• Frequency of application usage (once a month, once a week, 2-5 times a week, once a day, 2-5 times a day, 5-10 times a day, hourly or more)
• Favorite applications (1-2 applications, 3-5 applications, 6-10 applications, 10-20 applications, more)
• Applications extend or enhance device (make existing features better, add new features to device, both, other)
• Switching between applications (complete first task in application then switch, switch then complete first task, switch back and forth frequently, lose track of applications being used, other)
• Length of application usage (more than on year, 6-12 months, 3-6 months, 1-3 months, several weeks, about a week, a day or two, less than a day, other)
• How often applications purchased (only buy trusted, reviewed applications, mostly paid and a few free, half paid and half free, all free, other)
• How many paid applications (0, 1-5, 6-10, 11-20, more)
• Most spent on application (nothing, $0.99, $5, $10, $25, $50, more than $50, other)
• Advertisement sensitivity (keep ads off, don't mind small ones, splash ad is OK only on startup, would be willing to have ad supported service, other)
• Application upgrades (never, once but not good experience, up to once a month, always upgrade, never, other)
• Plans to purchase new smart phone (never - don't ever want one, never - like the one I have, considering it, sometime in 3-6 months, before end of the year, in a year or so, when current plan is complete, when current phone breaks, when current plan expires, other)

The entire research package includes the following:
Detailed 128 report (see Table of Contents)
Mobile Application Survey results (14 page summary)
Research data including company financials, handset metrics, phone sales, and more

Key Findings:

The reader will gain a keen understanding of the strength of the mobile application marketplace. While not uncommon in such a new technology growth sector, all of the current signs still show that this market's growth is still in its infancy and that it will not reach a growth ceiling for quite some time. Year-over-year, companies are reporting growth numbers exceeding their expectations, and despite floundering in other sectors of the economy, mobile applications have not only shown strength but significant growth over the last 3 years, with plenty of room for that trend to continue.


This research is a necessary read for all of the following: Wireless Carriers, MVNOs and other network providers, Mobile Handset and Smart Phone manufacturers and software developers, large and small software development companies entering or in the mobile space, advertising executives and potential advertisers, traditional bricks or e-commerce companies interested in mobile, any organization interested in monetizing their investment in the mobile space.

Questions Answered in Report:

Who are the top players in the mobile application space.
Can the market support more than 2 or 3 top players?
What are the sales channels, or applications stores to watch?
Who is making the hottest smart phone hardware?
What happened to Microsoft and will they make a comeback?
Is Palm weathering their storm?
How will HP's purchase of Palm change their strategy?
Has Apple supplanted Blackberry's dominance in the business arena?
Is Symbian still holding strong?
What is Samsung's new play in the market?
How did Motorola pull off their comeback?
How are users really using Mobile Apps?
How often are they spending money on Mobile Apps?
Is try-before-you-buy really working?
Is there room for the up-sell after the initial purchase?
Should a developer concentrate on one platform, or diversify across them all?

Table of Contents:

1 Executive Summary. 6
2 Definition of a Mobile App. 8
2.1 What Separates an App From a Bundled Device Feature? 8
2.2 Examples of Current Mobile Apps 8
3 History of Mobile Platform Programming. 9
3.1 The First Widget 9
3.2 Hardware Widgets? 9
3.3 Hardware and Software Evolution. 11
3.3.1 Hardware evolution. 11 The Smartphone revolution. 11
3.3.2 Development platform evolution. 12 Palm.. 12 WAP, WML, and HTML. 13 HTML and Mini Browsers. 14 Adobe, Flash, and SilverLight 14 JavaScript 14 AJAX. 15
3.3.3 Development future. 15
4 Platform Architectures 16
4.1 Platform Specific Development 16
4.1.1 Symbian. 16
4.1.2 Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7. 17
4.1.3 Blackberry OS. 18
4.1.4 iPhone OSX. 19
4.1.5 Linux 20
4.1.6 Palm OS. 21
4.1.7 Danger Hiptop, SideKick 21
4.1.8 Android. 22
4.2 Portable App Development 23
4.2.1 J2ME Platform. 23
4.3 Web Based Apps 24
4.3.1 WAP/WML/XML 24
4.3.2 HTML 25 Browser Constraints by Platform.. 25
5 Key Development Concepts 25
5.1 Size Constraints 26
5.1.1 Compact Code. 26
5.1.2 Compact File Space. 26
5.2 Display Constraints 27
5.2.1 Display Sizes and Standards 27
5.2.2 Multiple Displays 28
5.3 Input and Controls 28
5.3.1 Input device types 28 Keypad. 29 Keyboard. 29 Touch Screen. 29 Scroll Wheel 30 Thumb Sticks, Roller Balls, and Direction Pads. 30
5.3.2 Environmental Controls 31 Motion and Orientation Sensors. 31 Light Sensors. 31
5.3.3 Peripheral Access 31 GPS onboard and off 31 Bluetooth. 32 Infrared. 32
5.4 Network Access 32
5.4.1 Connection Persistence. 32 Dial on Demand. 32 Always On. 33
5.4.2 Connection Types and Limitations 33 Cellular Data. 33 WiFi 33 WiMax. 34 Bluetooth. 35
5.5 Processing. 35
5.5.1 Platforms and Speeds 35
5.6 Web App development 36
5.6.1 Limitations of Web Based Applications 37
5.6.2 A note about WAP/WML translators, compression gateways, and proxies 37
5.7 Licensing. 38
5.7.1 License Model Table by Platform. 38
6 Markets 39
6.1 Mobile Advertising. 39
6.1.1 The Advertising Double Edged Sword. 39
6.2 Market Summary. 40
6.2.1 Case Study RIM. 40
6.2.2 Case Study Apple. 41
6.2.3 Case Study PopCap Games 41
6.2.4 Case Study Car Locator 42
6.2.5 Platform Market Share. 43
6.3 Market Sizing. 44
6.3.1 Predicted Mobile Sales 44
6.3.2 Predicted Smart Phone Sales 44
6.3.3 Predicted Mobile Application Sales and Revenue. 45
6.3.4 Recent Market Developments as Growth Indicators 46
7 Market Sizing and Forecast 47
7.1 Smart Phone Market Performance. 48
7.2 Application Store Market Performance. 50
7.2.1 Handango Mobile Content 50
7.2.2 Apple App Store Mobile Content 53 Medialets App Store and Android Marketplace Analysis 54
7.3 Individual Application Performance. 58
7.4 Recommendations for the Mobile App marketplace. 59
8 Smart Phone User Survey. 60
9 Market Breakdown by Mobile Operating System. 73
9.1 Symbian. 73
9.2 RIM Blackberry. 74
9.3 Apple OSX Mobile. 76
9.4 Google Android. 79
9.5 Windows Mobile and Phone 7. 84
9.6 Palm WebOS. 88
9.7 Samsung Bada. 89
9.8 Emerging Platforms 90
10 Mobile Application Examples 91
10.1 SalesForce. 91
10.2 Dexterra. 92
10.3 America's Emergency Network 94
11 Carrier and Vendor Adaptations 95
11.1 Topology and Network Changes 95
11.2 Policy Changes 95
11.2.1 Open Network Movements 96
11.2.2 Billing Plan Changes 96
11.3 Infrastructure Hardware Changes 96
11.3.1 Location Based Services 96
11.3.2 WiFi Localized Service Hosting. 97
11.3.3 Network Monitoring Changes and Effects 97
11.4 Handset Manufacturer Changes 97
11.4.1 Integrating New Handset Features 97
11.4.2 Evolving the Handset 97
11.5 Software Changes 98
11.5.1 Mobile Browser Evolution. 98
11.5.2 Multiple Platform Mobile Operating Systems 99
12 The Future of Apps 99
12.1 Innovative Solutions on the Horizon. 99
12.1.1 Context and Location Sensitive Applications 99
12.1.2 Pay Point Solutions 99
12.1.3 Swarm Data Mining. 100
12.2 Predictions for the Next Generation. 101
12.2.1 Obsolescence of the Wallet 101 Digital ID. 101 Electronic Signature. 102
12.2.2 Convergence of Portable Devices 102 Geo Tagging Multimedia. 102 Geocasting, Personal Broadcasting. 103
12.2.3 Breaking the Phone Mold. 103 Unlocking and Starting Your Car 103 Authentication on a Computer and Elsewhere. 104 Remote Control 104
13 Summary. 105
14 Index of Tables 107
15 Image Credits 108
16 References

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