
Children Get Inspired to Consider Future Career Paths

Hollywood’s Book Festival recently awarded Chapman honorable mention recognition for her first book,

Posted: Monday, July 26, 2010 at 1:48 PM CDT

Valley View, OH -- (SBWire) -- 07/26/2010 -- "How many nine-year-olds say they want to be a lawyer when they grow up?" asked award-winning children’s book author, Karean L. Chapman, when referring to her daughter Shayna’s quite ambitious goals for the future. Chapman’s soon-to-be-released book, Who Me? What Should I Be?, is an amusing tale of self-discovery, gender equality and imagination. The vividly illustrated story depicts endearing animal characters performing various job functions in a context just right for young readers. ( ) "I published the book because I loved how the story sparked further interest in children to think about their futures and go after their passions and dreams," stated the California-based author. Inspired by her own children’s ambitious natures, Chapman wrote Who Me What Should I Be? with the hopes of instilling a desire and motivation in all young children in order to guide them towards successful futures. The author’s mission in writing the book is to motivate young readers and allow them to consider the opportunities and choices they have as they grow up. ( ) "I want to encourage children to realize the abundance of career opportunities they have before them," stated the author, "because I feel it will help them appreciate the value of their education and develop goals early in life."

Hollywood’s Book Festival recently awarded Chapman honorable mention recognition for her first book, The Adventures of Northern the Moose and a Dragon Named Zeus, a tale about two whimsical characters that take a journey through self-discovery, compromise and teamwork during the course of a thrilling adventure filled with surprises along the way. ( ) The competition focuses on celebrating books that deserve acknowledgment for the film, television game and multimedia communities and is aimed to spotlight literature worthy of further consideration by the talent-hungry pipeline of the entertainment industry. The story-telling ability of the author and the potential of the work to be translated into other forms of media were the criteria used during the judging process. Being a first-time author, Chapman was thrilled to have her book recognized and is looking forward to speaking at the award ceremony being held at the historic Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood on Friday, July 23. ( )

Karean L. Chapman grew up in Ottawa, Canada and moved to Northern California as a teenager. An author and graphic designer, she currently resides in South Orange County California with her husband, John and the two inspirations for her books, daughters, Mikayla (12) and Shayna (9). To order Chapman’s books, please visit

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Christine Folgmann
Halo Publishing International LLC
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