
SEO Company India Providing Few Things About the Survey of SEO Market in India

Wildnet is one of the best SEO Company India providing few things about the survey of SEO market in India. SEO market has now come of age. There are so many interesting facts that have been unearthed after one of the surveys conducted by SEO moz in February.

Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 10:00 PM CDT

Noida, Uttar Pradesh -- (SBWire) -- 08/18/2010 -- SEO India - SEO market has now come of age. There are so many interesting facts that have been unearthed after one of the surveys conducted by SEO moz in February.

Self taught consultants

One of the most interesting facts revealed in the survey was that 75% of the self employed consultants are self taught, 15% have undergone an on-site training and only 7% of these consultants went to formal classes to get trained. The remaining 3% took up other forms of learning.

Good income generator

24% of the self employed consultants earn less than $30000 annually and about 3% earn more than $250000. This is interesting to note because most of the self employed consultants have had no formal training in SEO. A surprising revelation is that, self based consultants thrive better than SEM agencies in terms of earning money.

Google Tops

The SEO Companies India (, irrespective of if they are run by self employed consultants or SEM agencies, preferred to register their website with Google. 86% of the self based consultants preferred Google and lesser than 60% of these consultants preferred Yahoo. This is another great evidence to show that Google is the most preferred search engine on the internet.

Marketing Skills

91% of the SEO India experts learnt marketing skills on their own through trial and error. This is extremely surprising, especially keeping in mind how much money marketing through SEO brings in for the industry. Only 11% of the consultants have had formal training in marketing skills and 26% underwent offsite training. The remaining population had other mode of training involved.

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