
Healthyonline One Month Away from New Natural Health Supplements Site

Posted: Thursday, September 02, 2010 at 5:00 PM CDT

Auckland, New Zealand -- (SBWire) -- 09/02/2010 -- healthyonline is a natural Health Supplements website based in New Zealand. Recently there has been some talk about the launch of a new healthyonline website. Few details have been released however today it was found out healthyonline would be launching the website within the next month. It is tipped to have a number of new features for natural health lovers and the subscribers of the website as well as a new questions answers section for users of the website to get direct access to naturopath and owner Leanne James.

The main reason for the sudden change in website for healthyonline has been the abundance of positive comments it has received in recent times for both its new information and additional natural heath videos featuring Leanne James. The videos have now exceeded the 20,000 views mark on YouTube solidifying them as some of the more popular videos to do with health online today. Healthyonline has also had a great deal of success engaging its visitors on other platforms as well. Not only YouTube but Facebook, Facebook in particular has been particularly successful with users becoming engaged for long periods of time and very responsive.

Healthyonline’s members count now exceeds 350 fans and continues to grow every day. Healthyonline will incorporate these new social initiatives into it’s new website platform according to owner and founder Mike James. Mike has been responsible for healthyonline’s popularity in recent times becoming one of the first health owners in New Zealand to base a website around health information opposed to product details and reviews. This Mike says is a big reason for healthyonline’s success.

Healthyonline had it’s last website launch about a year ago which proved to make a big difference solidifying healthy as one of the prime New Zealand health and Beauty websites. Healthyonline has been around since 2002 and specializes in the sale of natural health supplements for the New Zealand public. To find out more about healthyonline their website is