
Drug Watcher Launches New Section on Medical Device Lawsuits to Help People Find Justice

Drug Watcher has expanded its mission away from pharmaceuticals to the realm of medical devices, and has created a new section on active lawsuits and class action suits that users may be able to join.

Posted: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 at 12:30 AM CST

Amsterdam, Netherlands -- (SBWire) -- 12/09/2014 --The pharmaceutical industry is one that seems to be in a permanent state of controversy. Being both a massive force for good and one of the most profitable industries in the world, it is in a constant state of dissonance between what it values most. Unfortunately, the friction between these values can create unnecessary or dangerous drugs and medical devices that can have serious side effects and even worse consequences for those using them. Drug Watcher is a website dedicated to keeping a handle on the controversies as they occur and develop, and has just created a new area for Medical Device law suits.

The law suits section of the website had previously been focused on medical drugs, but the upswing in high profile cases surrounding medical devices meant the site felt a duty of care to cover these as well. In many cases these law suits or class action suits are ones that current victims may not be aware of, but may wish to join in order to seek compensation.

This new section comes in addition to the site's existing resources on drug recalls, side-effect risks and other resources than aim to take a responsible view of pharmaceuticals, providing the information users need to know before undertaking long term drug therapies.

A spokesperson for explained, "We felt it was hugely important for us to be able to cover medical device lawsuits as these are increasingly being used as an alternative to drugs when their efficacy is questionable and the side effects are potentially dangerous. We currently have information on Stryker hips, transvaginal mesh, bladder sling lawsuits and more, so that those who may have these devices and be suffering with them may discover an active suit they can join to receive compensation."

About Drug Watcher
Drug Watcher strives to be the number one independent information source on dangerous drugs and medical devices. They inform people of the dangers and the side effects and tell readers about the possibilities to pursue legal action in case they or a loved one is looking to find compensation following dangerous results. Drug Watcher also keeps tabs on legal action against manufacturers and class action suits. For more information please visit: