
Studies Show That Millions of People Are Suffering from Severe Eye Floaters

Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 12:56 PM CDT

New York, NY -- (SBWire) -- 04/30/2015 --A study conducted by worldwide renowned ophthalmologists showed that there are millions of people suffering from severe eye floaters with no treatment. One doctor who participated in the study told us she sees many patients everyday yet does not have a safe and effective solution to treat them.  Almost everyone perceives eye floaters in a slightly different way but for those with a severe condition; it becomes a life of hell. Some people experience these as dots, worms or even black blobs.

Eye floaters are common among the elderly yet they can appear at any age.  These eye floaters usually occur with aging as the liquid in your eye known as the vitreous humour begins to clump.  The degree of severity varies widely with some seeing a few floaters to some having their entire vision covered.  After reading through the Degenerative Vitreous Syndrome Forums it becomes apparent that there are many in their 20s suffering from the severe form of this condition.

I interviewed Ashley who lives in New York to explain to me about her condition. She stated, "Ever since I saw these black blobs in my vision, my life has been a nightmare. One day I just woke up with them and "they were here to stay" as my doctor told me. It really is a disability where much research has not been done. Many people think that I am healthy from looking at me yet I will never see the world as a normal person does." She is unable to drive or read anymore and always has to wear sunglasses to decrease her perception of the floaters. When possible she prefers to be in the dark where she has some relief.

She went on to explain that the only treatment available is a vitrectomy which is a highly risky procedure. It is possible to even become blind from this procedure.  There is also a laser procedure but it cannot treat floaters near the retina which is where the majority of people's floaters are.

Most doctors try to comfort their patients saying that eventually they will settle down or your eyes will learn to ignore them. While this could be true for some, for the vast majority it is not. Due to there being no cure available, a large portion of sufferers end up experiencing severe depression. These people have no choice to but to use medication to take their mind of the stress of severe eye floaters.

About Eye On Vision
Eye on Vision, a registered charity dedicated to finding a cure for degenerative vitreous syndrome, has embarked on a mission to find a safe and effective treatment method.  A campaign has been launched at to raise funds for this effort.

Romelia Boechi
New York City, New York

Organization Information:
Eye on Vision is a charity dedicated to finding a safe treatment for degenerative vitreous syndrome and visual snow.