
The Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter Provides Users Better Durability and Longer Distances

Few scooters can go beyond 10 miles, but the Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter goes an unprecedented 15 miles giving it the longest distance by far of any scooter. It also maintains top notch quality and gives riders a most comfortable ride.

Posted: Friday, February 25, 2011 at 10:30 AM CST

Hudson, FL -- (SBWire) -- 02/25/2011 --Mobility device sellers, Top Mobility, is happy to announce the Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter to their line of scooters, a scooter that contains an easy to remove wireless box that is charged separately from the scooter. This stackable box makes it entirely possible to go longer distances because of the optional battery. The Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter has one of the longest ranges of any other scooter today. The average range a scooter can travel is 11 miles on one fully charged battery, giving the rider four more miles from which to work. It is beneficial to have a scooter that can go longer distances because it is safer. In many cases it is difficult to keep track of how long users have ridden. The scooter has other safety elements to it that make it attractive.

The Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter comes equipped with headlights. Several mobility devices do not come equipped with head lights.

Whether or not the device is being used during the day or at night users can feel comfort that other drivers and riders can see them. “Riding on a scooter shouldn't have to restrict the user from doing what they have to do during the day. No one should have to adjust their particular schedule to fit that,” says Richard Foldoe, President of Top Mobility. “The scooter at least gives the user some flexibility.” Headlights are a key safety item to have for all users of mobility equipment.

This unique scooter also comes equipped with comfortable height adjustment, perfect for riders to get that comfort level they desire. Because all scooter users differ in height, it makes sense to have a scooter that can change the seat height. Regarding seats, the Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter comes with upgradeable seats along with flip back and adjustable-width arms. The upgradeable seats are designed to provide users comfort as they ride. No one exactly knows how long users will be using the scooter; therefore it is important to have something that riders can feel comfortable in using.

When talking about scooters, one must mention tires. The tires on the Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter come with flat-free tires.

This comes in handy while users use them to drive down unknown surfaces. A flat tire can become detrimental to fix because of all the bending, moving, and exertion of force that is used as a result of repairing a flat. Flat-free tires prevent users from having to get out and fix a flat saving them from bodily stress.

Tipping also becomes a concern. Scooters can tip through various reasons such as riding too close to a ledge, wind, icy patches, or slick spots. Whatever the case may be tipping may occur. With the Drive Phoenix 4 Wheel Scooter anti-tipping elements are employed making the rider get back on track. Tipping causes serious injury and may not be easily overcome. The anti-tipping device serves all users well and keeps them safe.

Each model has the capability to change the color panels from red to blue or vice versa.

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