
Green Fuel Wealth & Green Foot Global Introduce EnviroTab

Posted: Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 2:56 PM CST

Portland, OR -- (SBWire) -- 02/26/2011 -- One of the most common problems affecting society in recent times is pollution. This has been brought about by the increase in use of technology. Inventions are coming up each and every day though no one considers their effect to the atmosphere around us. One of these inventions is the vehicle. Many have grown a liking towards cars and have even bought them. The amount of cars in the cities around the world is increasing at an alarming rate and so is the rate of fuel emissions being released.

This is the main reasons why Green fuel wealth was created. Its main aim was to combat pollution especially vehicle emissions. This company is one of the greatest biodiesel producers of today. In 2003, a man with a passion for the environment, known as Mr. James Hygate co-funded the Green fuel wealth company and that became the beginning of their success story. Necessity is always the mother of all inventions, and in this case the rampant pollution and high price of diesel fuel necessitated the building of this particular company.

Apart from producing quality biofuels, Green fuel wealth designs and manufactures the equipment that produces biofuels. This equipment includes fuelpods, purification rigs, centrifuges, fuelmeister and filtering kits. These particular ones are produced for domestic use. Those meant for commercial purposes include fuelsonics fuelmatics. Normally, this equipment is sold based on what they are meant to do. They vary; some are used for domestic use while others are meant for commercial use.

Among all of these, the most common one is the fuel pod. There are basically three models; fuel pod 2, fuel pod 3 and pod 4. The major difference between each is the amount of diesel each produces on a daily basis. Fuel pod 4 produces the most (100 lts) while fuel pod 2 the least (50 lts). The homemade biofuels is made using cooking oil and methanol. Just mix the two and since there is no carbon element among these items, the pod will produce carbon-free oil.

The dispensing system of the fuel pod is made in a user friendly manner. It dispenses the fuel straight into your car. It is that simple! It is also air controlled. No electricity is needed, therefore the pod is more than safe to use since there is no spark probability at all. This gadget is therefore safe and non-pollutant.

On top of all this, Green fuel Wealth Company has come up with an Environ tab. This tablet basically reduces the fuel consumption rate of your car as well as filtering any kind of carbon element from the oil. This ensures that there is no form of pollution. It was invented so as to help those who could not buy a fuel pod. The tab is to be put inside the fuel tank just before fuel is fed into the car and let it do the rest.

Green fuel wealth produces other equipment apart from those named above. This company is one of the major pace setters in the biofuels production industry and is in the forefront in the fight against pollution.

If you are interested in learning how you too can help our air quality, save money, and make money contact Harold Kurt 971-732-4241 or visit him online at

About Harold Kurt
Harold Kurt is dedicated to going green. Whether it's health, recycling, cleaning the home, or cleaning the air we breathe. We are here to help people understand the importance of keeping this place we call home safer, cleaner for the future of our families and generations to come. I believe education in the area of saving our planet by going green is in the best interest of us all.

Harold Kurt
Portland, OR