
#1 Diabetes Book 'Diabetes And You: A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach' Receives Insightful Reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist

Renown writer and author Dr. Naheed Ali answers these calls and narrows in on life-changing advice to help diabetics live a healthier, more fulfilling natural life in his new project titled 'Diabetes and You: A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach.'

Posted: Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 2:17 PM CDT

Lanham, MD -- (SBWire) -- 04/14/2011 -- Today, consumers of all ages across the US are wondering about quality of life, desirable health, and physical issues associated with term diseases like diabetes. Renown writer and author Dr. Naheed Ali answers these calls and narrows in on life-changing advice to help diabetics live a healthier, more fulfilling natural life in his new project titled 'Diabetes and You: A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach.'

The aim is to get the word out about healthy living as a diabetes patient in the world via this straightforward medical guide book.

The diabetes information is represented in a comprehensive, straight-to-the-point way, says the author. The book also uncovers how the disease grows stress and how anyone can defeat the disease in more ways than one.

In his book, Dr. Ali tackles issues, gives electrifying advice and information for healthy living as a diabetes victim. Under his concepts, basic factors like daily diet, the mind, and heart affect the overall punch which diabetes has on our health. Furthermore, he understands that diabetics should have a full amount of knowledge about diabetes to keep from the extra physical ailments that this disease can make. The book serves up the practices required for having a healthy life for confronting diabetes the correct way, as the author is a firm supporter of the quote, 'Prevention is so much better than cure.'

About Naheed Ali, MD
Naheed Ali, MD, is the #1 bestselling author of the new, vastly anticipated book 'Diabetes and You: A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach.' He has been quoted in print in Prevention, Star, and Weight Watchers magazines. He has also appeared in a wide range of other venues like AOL News, MSN Health, Yahoo Finance, and 'Diabetes and You' is available at your local bookstore and

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Lisa McAllister
Rowman & Littlefield Publicity
Tel: (301) 459-3366 x5619