
Bath Lifters Ensure Users Can Get Into Their Tubs With No Incident

Bath lifters hoist the user in and out of the bathtub ensuring its safety every step of the way.

Posted: Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 12:39 PM CDT

Hudson, FL -- (SBWire) --06/23/2011 --Leaders in online retail for mobility devices and mobility help devices, Top Mobility, is proud to announce the addition of Bath Lifters. These lifters help users get out of the bathtubs more conveniently than by getting out without assistance. These provide the safety users need so they can be comfortable in getting in and out of the tub. Regardless of the size of tub one uses there is a bath lifter that is made to fit the size and do the deeds it is called on to do. It is easy to set up and easy to carry because they are so lightweight. Users can take this item with them as they travel so they do not have to worry about not bathing while they are away from the house. Mobility becomes a problem especially when it comes to tubs because it is so low to the ground. Those with mobility problems often adopt a higher center of gravity. This is where these bath lifters come into play. Users have several to choose from to fit the sizes of their tub and meets their physical needs.

Bellavita Auto Bath Lifter – This lifter is designed for deeper tubs. The backrest, which is vitally important in helping a user get comfortable, reclines at a 50-degree angle to its lowest position. Bath lifters often require tools to install and uninstall, but the Bellavita Auto Bath Lifter comes completely tool free making it perfect for those who have trouble with movement. It comes in at only 20 pounds.

Rio Bath Lift – The Rio Bath Lift has many benefits for its users. Cleaning often becomes a problem with bath lifts, but the Rio comes equipped with a surface that reflects water making it much easier to clean and put away. The suction cups on this bath lift can not be moved by the shower alone. Keeping the user safe through this feature is necessary. It also comes equipped with a stable backrest so the user can enjoy their while they are bathing.

Aquajoy Bath Lift – Fits standard bathtubs and best of all, it has a weight capacity of 375 pounds. The Aquajoy easily reclines with a simple battery operated remote up to 40 degrees. Users of this can choose a comfortable bathing position. It makes no difference how low or deep they wish to go, the Aquajoy can make it there.

Aquatec Reclining Back Lift – Users can get in and out of the bathtub without the fear of slipping or falling. The reclining back does wonders for users because it gives them the flexibility to recline to any position that is comfortable to them. This has its advantages, especially when it comes to taller users.

Aquatec RSB with Reclining Back Support – User’s backs need all the help they can get. Side back flaps are there to give the user upper body support as they navigate in and out of the tub. Latex-free this bath lifter has extra padding for extra comfort.

When it comes to taking baths users need equipment to help them in and out for their safety. Top Mobility is proud to carry the potentially life-saving equipment at low prices.

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