
Crackdown on Ramdev Satyagraha: Ganeshaforesees Unprecedented Socio-political Turmoil in the Country in the Near Future

Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 at 11:00 PM CDT

Ahmedabad, Gujarat -- (SBWire) -- 06/27/2011 --The ruthless and blatantly undemocratic pre-dawn police crackdown on Baba Ramdev and thousands of his supporters at Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi, on 5th June, forcibly ending their hunger strike against corruption, may have succeeded in nipping a potential mass movement in the bud, but from all indications it is only the nucleus of the agitation that has been dispersed . The ripple effect of the agitation is rapidly spreading across the length and breadth of the country, posing a serious challenge to the credibility of the Central government. For generations we had only been hearing about vast amounts of Indian black money stashed away in foreign tax havens, but only of late have rough figures of the amount emerged, and it is mind-blowing that the figures run into several lakhs of crores. It is the sheer magnitude of the tainted money, reported to have been siphoned off through a series of scams unearthed recently like the 2G scam, the Commonwealth Games scam and the Adarsh Housing Society scam, that triggered off unprecedented public anger and outrage across the country. First it was Anna Hazare, and close on his heels the yoga guru Baba Ramdev who took up the cause to pressurise the government to bring back the black money and declare it as a national asset and penalise the offenders. But cracking down on a peacefully protesting congregation is a mistake that the Central government may have to regret.

Even as the corruption issue snowballs into a major headache for the Central government, Ganesha, with the help of Vedic astrology, analyses the repercussions of the agitation on the country in the near future.

Whatever the reasons behind the sequence of events, one thing is sure that planets certainly trigger and create chapters in history. The most difficult position of transiting Rahu is between the first 48' of Sagittarius and last 48' of Scorpio. It brings out huge struggles. The very sad episode of Ramdevji's satyagraha happened during this phase. Also, the partial solar eclipse had played its part. We had witnessed a partial solar eclipse on June 1. Though this eclipse was not visible in India, it seems to have had a profound impact here. The conjunction of Sun and Moon occurred at 17 degrees of Taurus in Rohini Nakshatra. Taurus and Scorpio signs were under the most malefic influence. It is of greater significance as India's Ascendant falls in Taurus. It has triggered the rebellion against the cruel, dark face of power, and exposed the ruling classes. So the 'eclipse effect' is also visible here. It has proved that the planets not only affect people's minds, but also make the high rulers take unjust decisions. Another crucial total Lunar eclipse will occur on 15th June. The Moon will be in a Gandanta degree and very close to the Gandanta Rahu. This Lunar eclipse will bring immediate results. So people can expect some important events to take place around the 15th of June. Mars is also influencing the eclipse. So the general outlook of people will be that of dissatisfaction, and public turmoil will hit a crescendo.

Rahu Ketu are now passing through their debilitated signs for a 18-month long period. Rahu Ketu transits will not be easy for India as it will hit the most important 1st-7th axis of India's country chart. It will destabilise life and bring about major changes. It is alarming because they will not bring easy changes. Taurus and Scorpio both are fixed signs and not open to easy change. Neither the activists nor the government will be flexible and open enough to make a smooth transition. They will try to hang on to the old patterns. And the more they resist change, the greater the frustration will be.

In India's Varshapravesh chart, five planets are placed in the 6th House including Moon. This planetary configuration naturally causes many pulls and pushes or enemy actions within and outside the country. In fact, it indicates that something drastic will happen to address the social and political issues like corruption and price rise. In India's country chart, Sun Dasha is shining, indicating that this is the most appropriate time to change the entire socio-political structure. Anna Hazare's "war against corruption" and Ramdevji's satyagraha are the obvious results of Sun Mahadasha.

The transiting Ketu will meet three planets one after another in June, 2011. So the days to watch are 13th June, 15th June and 30th June, 2011. People can expect major events on those days. Also, Mars' transit through Taurus will have telling effects. It will trigger the events and more clashes between the ruling class and activists. In this context, the period around 7th July, 2011 and 17th August, 2011 could be very eventful.

With Ganesha's Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar
The GaneshaSpeaks Team