
Renal Diet Program Helps Kidney Patients

Posted: Monday, October 13, 2014 at 1:47 PM CDT

Paramus, NJ -- (SBWire) -- 10/13/2014 --Robert Galarowicz has announced his special renal diet program designed to help kidney patients maintain their health is available online. For a low fee, visitors to his site can learn the secrets that Galarowicz learned after facing his own battle with kidney disease.

Learn more about the renal diet program

Diagnosed in his early twenties, Galarowicz was scared and frustrated when his condition continued to worsen. Soon, he was put on dialysis and eventually underwent a kidney transplant. All the procedures and medications left him feeling even worse and scared for his future. In order to try and take control of his health, Galarowicz went on an exhaustive search to learn if there were other ways to treat his disease and help him avoid further transplants.

The research shocked him, as he learned there were many dietary means for controlling kidney disease as well as a number of supplements. His shock gave way to anger, and soon he decided to take his anger and put it to good use.

He studied to become a Nutritionist and a Naturopath, and used that knowledge to create a specific renal diet program. The 14-day plan is an easy-to-follow diet that gives detailed meal plans, so patients don’t have to worry about coming up with their own. He even includes a shopping list that patients can take with them when they head to the grocery store, as well as ways to modify other recipes to make them more kidney-friendly. The meals are all designed to remove harmful mineral imbalances while reducing the stress put on the kidneys.

Galarowicz understands that many people today have active lives and sometimes they need to get food on the go, or have to meet friends and family for meals outside their homes. To make sure patients can eat out with confidence, he provides extensive information on what foods to order and how to work around their limitations. Learn to reverse kidney disease with renal kidney diet program by clicking the link Reverse Kidney Disease

Said one satisfied dieter, “I wonder if I can improve further and will certainly keep going with the All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program. I couldn't afford the other products and just stuck to the healthy diet and the one supplement and still got improvement."

To learn more about the healthy renal diet, or to get the full comprehensive program backed by a satisfaction guarantee, please see

About Healthy Kidney Publishing
Robert Galarowicz ND is the founder of Healthy Kidney Publishing. This company and Robert bring easy to incorporate diet, supplements, cleanses and consulting services to help people improve their kidney disease. The goal is not just to slow down kidney disease but to live a good quality of life where you don’t think about dialysis.

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Healthy Kidney Publishing
1 Sears Dr. Ste 306
Paramus, NJ 07652