
The Truth About Buying YouTube Views from PreSposure

Did you know that there are 60 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute of every day? That’s one hour of video content every second.

Posted: Friday, March 29, 2013 at 11:34 AM CDT

Lutz, FL -- (SBWire) -- 03/29/2013 --YouTube has become the new way for companies & individuals to market themselves online. What other form of marketing allows you to get right in front of your prospects and for free?

In a recent statement, the vice president of content at Google/YouTube, Robert Kyncl, boldly said that by 2015, more than 90% of web traffic will come from video marketing; mainly YouTube being that it’s the #3 website in the world behind Facebook & Google.

Right now is the time to position yourself on YouTube.

Why Buy Real Human YouTube Views?

Putting a video on YouTube is the easy part. Getting your video in front of the right people is where the work comes in.

The more views, likes & comments your YouTube video has, the more popular it looks. This forces YouTube to rank your video higher which in return gets you more views, likes, comments, leads & sales. recognized how important this is and saw an enormous outcry for real human YouTube views.

What Is Presposure

Dennis Marshall, the founder of, is an author, internet marketer and video marketing expert. After years of struggling online, he finally had his ah ha moment when he stopped trying to do everything and focused on one thing. He eventually saw a huge void with YouTube marketing and saw that many marketers were doing it all wrong.

Presposure uses a specialized video marketing strategy which they've dubbed "the popularity effect" which they claim will build some buzz around any video and make it gain popularity by giving YouTube just what it wants.

Explaining the Popularity Effect

Thousands upon thousands of videos are uploaded to Youtube daily so one may begin to wonder how YouTube decides which videos deserve to get more views. It's actually not as complex as many would think.

Within Youtube, videos are ranked based on engagement which includes views, likes & comments. The more engagement a video has, the more popular it seems in the eyes of YouTube therefore almost forcing YouTube to rank it higher. A higher ranking in Youtube means showing up in both the related results on the side and within a video after it's done playing.

While it's not as complex as many may think, it's still a struggle for many Youtube users to break through and reach their target market via YouTube. PreSposure's business model is built around helping YouTube marketers "broadcast themselves". Proving real human YouTube views, likes & comments makes a video popular while also giving the creator some social proof.

How is resposure Different

YouTube views can be bought from quite a few sites online but there's a problem PreSposure claims to have fixed with their "Popularity Effect". Apparently, some YouTube views services can cause your video to go down in rankings because they may not understand how YouTube works. They have been known to send 1000s of views to videos and leaving them unbalanced with thousands of views and no likes or comments. According to Presposure, this doesn't get YouTube's attention and it could deter viewers.

Dennis' claim to fame is that he saw what was going on and vowed to come up with a solution. Presposure guarantees on their site that all their views, likes & comments are 100% real. In their FAQs section, it states that they've partnered up with a number of high traffic websites as well as built relationships with a few social media partners that drive traffic from sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Reddit just to name a few.

Their goal is to provide the best service online for those looking to get real exposure.

Here a list of they’re Premium YouTube services

What To Expect When You Buy YouTube Views?

According to a special YouTube training webinar held by Dennis Marshall, one can expect a number of things. If there's a lot of competition in a specific niche, having more views, likes & comments will make that video look more important which will put it higher in search rankings & related results.

Also, it's a natural reaction for someone to feel like they’re missing out on something if they don’t watch a video has a lot of engagement. At that point, they watch it and choose what the next step is.

Like the video, leave a comment, click a link in the description, etc.

On top of real Human YouTube views, Presposure also offers Facebook fans, Twitter followers and more.

In the future, they plan to add subscription based services that will handle all video marketing, SEO & social media needs.

For more information information on buying YouTube views, likes & comments, be sure to check out

About PreSposure provides video, SEO & social media marketing services for both online and offline business owners. They specialize in YouTube marketing when it comes to SEO and sending thousands of real views to videos as well as likes & comments.

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Tampa, Florida