
Torrance California Based "Sustainability" Advocates "Naomi Howison" and "Mike Garcia" Announce American Japanese Educational Campaign to Expand All Natural Xocai Products Into K?Be, Ibaraki and Amagasaki Japan with "MXI Corp" Cowboy Adam Green

Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 1:04 PM CDT

Las Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 10/17/2013 --As a young boy, EnviroscapeLA Founder Mike Garcia developed a fascination with nature which guided him to graduate college in the field of Environmental Horticulture.  After his formal education, Mike went on to found EnviroscapeLA, a sustainable landscape construction firm specializing in green solutions in the landscape and building Japanese Koi ponds.  EnviroscapeLA's work has been featured in numerous magazines and television shows and has been the recipient of local, state, national and international awards.  One of the benefits of a peaceful and serene landscape and Japanese Koi pond is the peace and tranquility these exude to the soul.  Many with health challenges have found that can be labeled "Healing Gardens".  It was this aspect which prompted Mike Garcia to pursue creating the environments and circumstances which can result in a healing environment.  A healing environment helps us when we face the stresses of life and especially when our health is not optimal.  The healing garden is part of a program to help find the way to wholeness.  The other part of the equation is a great diet loaded with foods rich in high-antioxidants.  This is what led Mike to discover Xocai Healthy Chocolate.  As the world's first healthy chocolate and the world's proven highest anti-oxidant food, Xocai is the leader in green and socially responsible practices, such as the exclusion of harmful GMO's and 100% ethically traded cacao purchased from small, family-owned and operated farms on Ivory Coast.  With Xocai, Sustainability has successfully teamed up with great taste and Health.
310-503-9100 EnviroscapeLA Founder Mike Garcia has always lived and active lifestyle and part of his quest is researching the latest in the areas of health and wellness.  Having completed over 50 full 26 mile marathons, Mike is no stranger to physical challenges.  As he got older, Mike felt the ravages that athletes endure as they age.  "I thought I was doing all the right things in my diet" laments Mike, as he endured feelings of tiredness and fatigue.  Then Mike attended the Tony Robbins signature event Unleash the Power Within".  It was at this event that Mike learned about alkalizing the body, which is converting to a mostly vegan diet.  "It was really tough at first" admits Mike.  This was because Mike did not know about Xocai Vegan chocolate at the time.  As he was walking the aisles of a wellness expo, Mike ran across Xocai and was impressed by this vegan, healthy Belgian chocolate.  "Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels" says Mike.  "And Xocai Healthy Chocolate" make healthy eating so simple and fun.  Xocai is tested and proven to be the world's #1 high anti-oxidant food.  There are more antioxidants in one piece of Xocai healthy chocolate that there are in a bowl of raw spinach. " If Popeye were around today, he'd be energizing chocolate" jokes Mike.  Xocai comes in an assortment of flavors, so one does not face "Flavor fatigue".  Xocai is also the world's first "Functional" chocolate with, probiotics and omega oil, yet it tastes like the premium Belgian chocolate that it is.   Great health just got a little easier with Xocai Healthy Chocolate.

Enviroscapes Profile

"Sustainability" is the new word everybody is talking about these days. All know Sustainability is good, and is something we must all practice, but the question on people's mind these days is this....Just what is Sustainability?  Sustainability expert and EnviroscapeLA Founder Mike Garcia of Redondo Beach has worked in the area of Sustainability for over 30 years and answers that question this way.  "Sustainability" is living today, without borrowing from tomorrow".  This means that as a community and larger society, all must pay attention to everyday practices which will have an impact on future generation.  This encompasses the need for all to "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"

EnviroscapeLA, a sustainable landscape construction firm specializing in green solutions in the landscape and building Japanese Koi ponds.  EnviroscapeLA's work has been featured in numerous magazines and television shows and has been the recipient of local, state, national and international awards.