
Understanding Top Above Ground Pools: Homeowners Now Helped by Professional Reviews

Posted: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 8:15 AM CDT

New York, NY -- (SBWire) -- 08/31/2016 has published a handpicked above ground pool selection from reputable brands, helping homeowners distinguish the best makes and select a suitable model for their family.

In order to help buyers choose the best above ground pool for their home, the website staff provides complete reviews of its top rated picks, available for purchase on Amazon as well as in specialty stores. is dedicated to above ground pools and inflatable hot tubs for home use. Its purpose is to showcase the most relevant types, highlighting the best materials and features, along with fair and affordable pricing. The comprehensive reviews reveal some of the top brands in 2016, according to rigorous selecting criteria counting the quality of the frame, the safety features, size and shape, drain pump efficiency, sidewall durability ans so on.

Buyers can now understand the features that make an above ground pool worth the money and learn to distinguish the best types and brands on the market. Individuals who have limited time on their hands can jump straight to the 2016 guide to make an easy pick out of the top rated models for the current year. Every review highlights the durability and the affordability of the pool in question.

Readers can also identify top scoring pools based on the features relevant to their particular situation. For example, those wishing to store away their above ground pool during the cold months can select a model with a flexible design. In addition, the staff emphasizes other vital aspects, such as the drain plug and garden hose compatibility. The information provided eliminates all errors and mismatches as an above ground pool is purchased.

In addition to being a reviews and guides resource, also focuses on the matter of pool cleaners. The website educates, as the title suggests, on automated pool cleaners and the best available types.

About is an educational resource comprising expert reviews, guides and detailed information on above ground pools, inflatable pools as well as cleaning machines, to ease the shoppers' mission of selecting the best types for home use.

To view the top picks for 2016, go to

John Mayer
PoolCleaner review
New York, NY, United States