
Yeboah International Farms Seeks Funding Support via Indiegogo for Food Production and Employment in Ghana

Yeboah International Farms wants to boost the Ghanaian economy and employment scenario with their 6000-acre farm that produces the country’s most commonly imported and consumed foods. The funding requirement for this project is $150,000.

Posted: Friday, September 11, 2015 at 2:00 AM CDT

Accra, Ghana -- (SBWire) -- 09/11/2015 --Yeboah International Farms has over 6000 acres of prime farm land in Ghana, a country with several weather ecosystems. As a result, the farm is able to increase their output by extending their growing season beyond normal. They have earmarked hundred and two hundred acres of their land for cultivating cashew nut and mango respectively. With an updated technology, Yeboah International Farms plans to plant at least six thousand bags of maize every single year.

Recent studies indicate that over four million of Ghana's rural population live below the poverty line. Many of these people make their living by processing fruits that are imported from other countries. To meet orders from their buyers, the fruit cultivators in Ghana make up the difference by importing fruits from Mali, South Africa, and Brazil. Yeboah International Farms believes that this situation has been created because of the lack of enough local farmlands in the country.

Discussing the demerit of this system, Daniel Yeboah from Yeboah International Farms says, "Though this practice helps us keep our clients, it's not a sustainable long-term solution. Getting Ghana to produce more of the food it processes benefits the farmers, the producers, and the national economy. Employing local growers and processors means bringing Ghana's rural population out of poverty – something we are prepared to do on a large scale."

Yeboah International Farms is already prepared to recruit four thousand Ghanaians to work in the farm. The equipment secured by this campaign will be offered to the small producers of mangoes, cashews, and maize. This will make it possible to cover territories that are climatically more diverse. Most importantly, it will also put more money back into the hands of the struggling Ghanaian farmers.

Yeboah International Farms has recently launched an Indiegogo campaign to meet the financial requirements for this huge initiative. The overall funding goal of this project is $150,000.

To find out more about this campaign, please visit

The Website of Yeboah International Farms is:

About Yeboah International Farms
Yeboah International Farms is dedicated to supporting Ghana by eliminating poverty through increasing food production and providing job opportunities for the unemployed youth. Their mode of operation is in line with FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) goals for the poverty-stricken parts of the world, including Ghana.