Bennabis Health | Medical Cannabis Discounts & Education

One of the founding members of Bennabis Health knows first hand, as a patient diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 2013, how vital medical cannabis can be for patients. When Anne was told of the MS drug regimen she would be required to use and the monitoring she would undergo to check whether that regimen was otherwise harming her physiology, she opted to forego that regimen and use cannabis instead. From then until now she continues to do very well medically and her physician, who opposed her decision initially, now tells her she made a good decision. But that decision came with a cost since Anne’s health insurance did not cover medical cannabis due to the federal government’s continued classification of cannabis as a Schedule I drug. Bennabis Health is the solution to this problem for Anne and the many medical cannabis users like her. Bennabis Health is dedicated to filling the holes in the health insurance industry for medical cannabis patients and providing coverage for those patients left behind due to federal government restrictions. Inspired by Anne’s story, Don Parisi, a long-time dispensary board member, former President of a health plan, and former New Jersey Deputy Attorney General for the Commissioner of Insurance, launched Bennabis Health to be the first program to provide medical marijuana users with coverage. Don and Anne have surrounded themselves with other professionals who share the same vision, including people with cannabis industry, health insurance, claims, legal and financial experience. Visit our FAQ page to see our commonly asked questions.