Dilani Karunadasa

For Immediate Release Contact: Dilani Karunadasa, , DILANIJOBS@GMAIL.COM, http://dilani.commfast.com Dilani Inc releases Dynamic MPEG4 TVbox Channels Package kandy, Sri Lanka, 13 December 2011 - Dilani Inc has released new product - View internet TV on own computer. IP TV software offers users the options of different stations to view. Users can choose comedy or political stations that may want to watch. You can view Daria on many times! It`s not hard to find a fresh event of Wizards of Waverly Place up and running the next day. No longer reason to miss your favourite TV shows! Online Television changes the way we see Television. No reason to buy regular TV for hundreds of dollars when you can watch television on home PC? Internet television is the next big leap in online technology. Easily thing, Internet TV offers a consumer ability to playback their most viewed programs and movies without clicking a button on the TV remote control. Think about the abc`s of Internet television. With IPTV you are able to connect to TV on the number of systems like, your computer monitor, an iPhone, a laptop, or even with the right device you can transfer films and shows to home regular television. With last modern technology, DSL or cable Internet connections and well constructed equipments, you can even watch television on your cellular phone. Just put together a notebook, and Internet Connection and our Internet TV software, which broadcasts TV channels. You can find not much free ones or you may pay a membership subscription to join one of the multiple sites working in that field. Most of your favorite channels will furthermore allow you to connect to their content and view them. If you did not see a part of your favorite show, don`t give up, sometimes you may search it and view it online. It is amazing the many things we can do with the world wide web at home. But Online TV is a relatively new technology, it`s catching on so fast that it may soon displace regular TV like the cell phone is replacing home telephone. Watch 4000 Live television channels from your computer. No need of of a TV hardware. 100% legal - no monthly payment necessary. View TV channels online anywhere. All you need is our IP television software, your computer, and Internet connection. AVAILABILITY Dynamic MPEG4 TVbox Channels Package product can be downloaded free of charge at the Dilani Inc web site at: http://dilani.commfast.com/stores/dilani/254114pgabout.html ABOUT ABOUT DILANI INC Founded in December 2011, Dilani Inc develops programs to see online television on own pc For further data on the corporation and its services please visit its web site at http://dilani.commfast.com