80% of Veterans Say They Are Not Being Heard by Legislators

Kalispell, MT -- (SBWire) -- 09/15/2011 --VoiceforVeterans.com, the communication and advocate organization for America’s 24 million veterans today released startling survey results indicating that veterans are not being heard by those whose role it is to listen and respond.

Larry Tahler, Managing Partner of the research and reporting organization said, “In our latest survey we learned that 80% of vets have never been asked what they think about any of the compelling issues facing veterans and their families. Worse yet, of the 20% who were consulted, only 12.06% thought that they were heard or that their opinion mattered to their legislators. We at http://www.VoiceforVeterans.com are working to provide timely input to legislators at all levels to help bridge the gap that exists now between decision makers and Vets.”

VoiceforVeterans.com has members from WWII through current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are 24+ million American veterans living in the U.S.A.

Michele Reese, CMO of VoiceforVeterans.com said, “A big part of the problem stems from the fact that only 20% of the 535 members of the current Congress have served in the military, 25 from the Senate and 90 from the House of Representatives; contrast that to 1975 when over 70% of the elected officials in Washington D.C. had served in the military services.

It is not that civilians are not capable of making defense related decisions," Reese said, "it is that their point of reference is so removed from the realities that the troops and vets are facing that they don’t appreciate the nuances critical to solid decision making on veteran and military issues.”

VoiceforVeterans.com is volunteering to address this situation that has been recognized at the highest levels. CNN’s Jennifer Rizo stated in a January 2011 story that President Barack Obama's top military adviser voiced concerns recently about what he sees as a disconnect between the civilian and military worlds, claiming most Americans know "precious little" about the military and the military needs to work harder to justify itself to the public.

The mission of VoiceforVeterans.com is to bring the combined opinions, attitudes and desires of the nation’s 24+ million veteran’s onto the public street in real time so that their voice can be used by elected officials, government agency representatives, and others as they craft policy, laws and design products and services that will impact the lives of American Veterans and their families.

VoiceforVeterans.com will publish regular updates on our findings and activities. If you would like to know more, sign on to receive our free blog at http://www.voiceforveterans.com/news.

VoiceforVeterans.com, a vet-owned and operated organization dedicated to improving the communication between Vets and decision makers in Washington, D.C.

Media Relations Contact

Michele Reese
Voice for Veterans

View this press release online at: http://rwire.com/107290