Electronic Cigarettes, A Smoker's Healthier Option...

Electronic cigarettes are a brand new creation that should be made known to every one who is passionate about smoking.

Delhi, India -- (SBWire) -- 10/12/2011 --Commonly referred to as smokeless cigarette or e-cigarette, they have been instrumental in changing the legal landscape of cigarette smokers all around the globe.

In existence for almost three years, the clever device aims at providing smokers a healthier option. It has also been in news apparently owing to the reason of it being a means to reduce smoking, ultimately quitting which is the sole motive of this invention. Electronic cigarettes are in the fourth generation of their version now which is much more friendlier to the user than the previous ones. They were perhaps were a little too large to encourage a mass market appeal. The "mini" is the most realistic e cigarette to date with its length of 100mm being the same as a conventional cigarette.

Puffing up an electronic cigarette gives the same feel and taste of tobacco as the regular ones. But these lack the presence of harmful substances that are otherwise found, making them capable of satisfying the cravings of cigarette lovers, and that too, without inhaling the many dangerous toxins. So, do you think that the item can really be a saviour which it aims to be? Before drawing some final opinion, read the article further...

The smoker is allowed to hold and smoke the electronic cigarette just as any other cigarette with the help of a battery, an atomiser, and a renewable nicotine chamber. A smoke-like vapour and glow is created at the end. Available in different strengths are the cartridges through which the user gets permitted to reduce the amount of nicotine he intakes. This way he can completely quit smoking as he wishes.

The lasting time period of electronic cigarettes is the same as fifteen to twenty cigarettes. This can be a huge saving for the smoke lover to normal costs. The various cartridge strengths are standard, medium, low and no nicotine. So altogether when you see it, the item seems to be a healthier option. But there are no ends to its benefits.

As the electronic cigarettes do not produce the foul odour and smoke, they are perfectly legal to smoke in public. They do not emit any dangerous substances, toxins or any real smoke. Particularly in winters, cigarette smokers need to take small breaks in order to push off the chilling cold. But this alternative will allow them to stay in their offices, restaurants and pubs.

The refillable cartridges also come in multitude of flavors like menthol, apple, and strawberry. So, If you are interested in a healthier alternative to smoking, or if you simply want to have the freedom to smoke wherever and whenever you want, an electronic cigarette might be the solution you've been looking for.

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SMOKEFREE Electronic Cigarette Pvt. Ltd.

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