E Cig- Away from 4000 Harmful Chemicals...

More and more people are using E Cigarette or say electronic cigarettes because they are increasingly becoming known as the healthier alternative.

Delhi, India -- (SBWire) -- 10/20/2011 --Electronic cigarettes work when the user draws on the atomiser, thus heating the liquid within the cartridge, which then delivers a flavoured vapour containing nicotine; a different flavour or nicotine strength is released, depending on your choice of cartridge.

We all know how extremely addictive habit can smoking be. It is hard for a smoker to stop himself from smoking. If you are one of those smokers, you know that people try every option to quit the habit by trying hands on patches, gums, etc. So what if there was a way to combat all of these downfalls of cigarettes?

Your Way To Combat Smoking Is E Cigarette

The answer is switch to an electronic cigarette. The recent advancements in micro technology have allowed for an invention so revolutionary, and so innovative that it is already taking over the smoking world at a staggering rate. The electronic cigarette is a device that is used to simulate smoking and give the user the sensation of smoking, but it doesn't even actually emit any smoke at all.

Why Are These A Preferred Alternative?

There are mainly three reasons that contribute to people's preference:

*e-cig looks and smokes like a real cigarette, no worry of all the cancer causing chemicals

*Absence of second hand smoke and

*No social exclusion associated with smoking real cigarettes and tobacco.

You can save of up to 80% in smoking costs by moving over to e cigs

There is no flame, no tobacco and no nasty carcinogens so you can smoke without harming others around you, and places where smoking is banned. Plus the nicotine content can be varied to help reduce cravings and quit smoking completely.

With different countries, the regulations for these kinds of cigarettes have not been consistent as some governments are still unconvinced of their effectiveness and safety. However several of them consider them better since they do not produce any of that harmful smoke and most people are free to smoke them in public.

Where To Buy The E Cig?
Buying is an activity that completely depends on your preference. Still, all of you want to save your time and effort in this busy planet with shorter days. You can easily buy a pack over the internet though you need to budget for the kit first. It will not exactly break the bank and you may be surprised to find out that it is actually cheaper than buying the traditional cigarettes in the long run. It is recommended that you go for reputable models that have received favorable reviews so that you can be certain of what you are getting. Like all other products, there are imitations out there that come at cheaper prices and staying clear of these is the best advice you can get. Besides, since these are matters of health, risks are not so much welcomed.

Media Relations Contact

SMOKEFREE Electronic Cigarette Pvt. Ltd.

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