EU Database to Stabilize SAESE (European Autonomous School and Ecology Union) Members

Italy-based European trade union achieves fantastic result for its members

Agrigento, Sicily -- (SBWire) -- 02/08/2021 --SAESE, European Autonomous School and Ecology Union has achieved a brilliant result in its mission as the European Commission has entered its members in database to obtain a permanent contract under the European Directive 1999/70.

SAESE, online European trade union based has been championing the cause of teachers, who run the risk of being pushed into poverty post retirement due to the dwindling VIP pensions. In fact, it would put millions of teachers at risk, which is why SAESE continued with its consistent fight.

In November 2019, it filed a complaint with regards to Article 30 (the right to protection against poverty and social exclusion) of the Revised European Social Charter. In the complaint, it alleged that the amendments had reduced VIP pensions drastically thus creating a precarious situation for teachers.

In fact, the registered European Trade Union also pointed out that there was a lack of comprehensive and a coordinated approach in Article 30. In a bid to protect school staff's social security rights, SAESE had first filed the complaint with the government. However the Italian government deemed the complaint inadmissible claiming that SAESE wasn't an official representative.

Not one to give up on the fight for its members including teaching, educational and ATA staff, SAESE appealed the case with the European Commission. It has now received a favorable result as its members have been included in the database to obtain a permanent contract under the European Directive 1999/70, thus stabilizing their interests.

Sindacato Autonomo Europeo Scuola ed Ecologia, an online European trade union based out of Italy came into being to offer trade union advice and assistance. It is the only trade union that called for three 24-hour strikes to secure the anti-bullying law to protect all school staff.

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