Download Cnet Can Give One Free Auto Shutdown Software

Auto Shutdown simplifies computer management.

New York City, NY -- (SBWire) -- 03/14/2013 --With Auto Shutdown software from Download Cnet, waiting times for one’s computer to finish a process is all gone. Updates can easily be completed without any hassles at all, as the restart and shutdown times can be scheduled. Auto Shutdown is free and it installs and uninstalls without any issues or inconveniences. This is highly recommended for all the computer users out there.

Auto Shutdown is a simple program that allows users to schedule when their computers will restart, shutdown or just stand by. Nothing fancy involved in this program and the scheduling can be customized by the user. Auto Shutdown is easy to use and just includes some tabs with drop down menus. The users just simply need to select the action that they want to happen. Because the scheduling can be customized, the user can select the exact time when he/she wants the computer to restart, shutdown, standby and others. Auto Shutdown also allows users to set keyboard shortcuts for easier actions. The program has no Help file but users may not need to access it anyway as it is very easy to figure out.

Auto Shutdown works on Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and 8. It ranked number six in Automation Software Category of Download Cnet. This program may just be very simple but its use is undeniably remarkable. Auto Shutdown does not install any Ad ware or Spyware and is proven safe and helpful by other computer users. Version 1.0 may include unspecified update, enhancements, or bug fixes but it is still easy to understand and to use.

About Download Cnet
Download Cnet is popular website that offers news, reviews, downloads and information about software, mobiles and other gadgets. Their website is full of free and useful stuff like Auto shutdown. This is just a simple program but has been deemed helpful by users because of its practical use.

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