InvestyGold Launches Precious Metals Investing Website

Dallas, TX -- (SBWire) -- 03/18/2013 --InvestyGold recently reported the launch of a new website designed to educate the public about precious metal investing. According to a spokesperson for InvestyGold, "Investors concerned about the current global financial situation turn to gold and precious metals as a hedge against inflation."

Ray Fristenson, creator of InvestyGold explains, "InvestyGold focuses on the latest news and trends as they relate to the gold and precious metals markets and the economy. Gold continues to increase in value as the global economy has become more unstable and unpredictable. Investors buy gold to protect their wealth and this in turn increases the value of the precious metal. Consumers need to understand how to invest in gold as there is a right way to do this and a wrong way."

Consumers want to know, "how do you invest in gold?" Gold coins, gold bullion, gold certificates are options along with a gold IRA or a silver one. "Most choose to invest in gold bullion bars," Ray continues, "but gold coins are also very popular. Before a consumer goes to invest in gold coins of any type, he or she must read IRS rules and regulations as they dictate which types of coins may be used for investment purposes."

Gold certificates continue to gain in popularity also. One benefit of purchasing a gold certificate is the investor avoids the risk associated with transferring and storing physical gold. Care must be taken if this option is chosen. Banks issue certificates for both allocated and unallocated gold certificates. With unallocated gold certificates, the bank doesn't guarantee an equal exchange of the precious metal if a large number of investors choose to make this trade simultaneously as this is a form of Fractional Reserve Banking. For this reason, many investors choose to stick with physical gold.

Consumers unfamiliar with precious metals investing often don't understand the advantages and disadvantages of the many investment vehicles offered. "InvestyGold provides the information consumers need to make an informed decision as to which vehicle is right for their particular needs," Ray goes on to say. "The site provides this information so consumers can protect their wealth and their financial future at all times. With the economy so uncertain today, this is of great importance."

About InvestyGold
InvestyGold dedicates itself to researching the latest trends and developments in the gold and precious metals market. The creation of Ray Fristenson, InvestyGold launched in response to the unsustainable economic system being created by governments across the globe. Investors turn to gold to insure their wealth from future economic collapses. InvestyGold monitors gold performance over time and considers what experts are saying about this investment vehicle.

Media Relations Contact

Ray Fristenson

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