Ecig Brand Starter Kit Retailer Reports on the City of Spokane, Washington Banning the Sale of Electronic Cigarettes to Minors

Tempe, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 04/11/2013 --Officials in the city and county of Spokane, Washington have banned the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors. Ecigs are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States and the use of ecigs is not against the law on both federal and state levels.

Ecig Brand, Officials in the city and county of Spokane, Washington have banned the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors. Ecigs are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States and the use of ecigs is not against the law on both federal and state levels. Until congress passes new legislation banning ecigs it is up to each individual state to resolve the issue of minors using the product.

According to the researchers on the Ecig Brand Starter Kit website, smoking regular tobacco cigarettes has been illegal for minors for a number of decades in many countries throughout the world. And since smoking ecigs is not against the law (except in Spokane), minors have been using them to get a legal nicotine fix and to quit smoking altogether.

“I quit smoking about two years ago using electronic cigarettes. I smoked cigarettes for thirteen years and every time I tried to quit I always found myself buying another pack and smoking it. Finally my sister bought me an electronic cigare*tte and told me to try it. I haven’t bought a regular cigarette since and now I only smoke ecgis.” – June Spindle

The ecig was introduced not too long ago so it is a fairly new product which means everyone is trying to figure out how to handle them and politicians aren’t the only people facing the challenges of electronic cigarettes. Business owners are also making tough decisions about allowing employees and customers to use the device indoors and about selling the product to minors.

Part of the reason for the controversy is that there is no smoke and no smells emitted from ecigs and the product doesn’t violate any state or federal smoking bans. In fact, many people close to the issue are now calling ecigs a ‘grey area’ when it comes to the law and allowing minors using the device.

About The Ecig Brand Starter Kit
The Ecig Brand Starter Kit is the best site for all information about Ecig where smokers can share their views and success stories to help others quit smoking. The site also offers free trial of Ecig brand starter kit for a limited period.

Allen Tanner
Scottsdale Arizona

Media Relations Contact

Allen Tanner

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