Authors of "5 Laws of Marriage" Share Their Tips for Date Night at Home for Married Couples

Lakeland, FL -- (SBWire) -- 04/18/2013 --Many married couples admit that Date Night is key in keeping the flame burning; which is why Franklin and Bridgette Cruz, Authors of "The 5 Laws of Marriage" and Founders of, are frequently asked for tips by their readers on how they handle the challenge of keeping the spark alive with successful date nights.

In a recent interview Franklin went way beyond what’s in their upcoming book when he shared with readers the strategy that he personally uses to setup the Perfect Date Night at Home in 10 easy to follow tips. Married Couples report successful date nights at home as increasingly important as time goes on, especially with an increase in marriage challenges due to budget, recent bad weather, conflicting schedules and even coordinating evening child care.

While their new article 10 Steps To A Perfect At Home Date Night appears to be showing the do's and dont's for the men, ladies are not out of luck since these same tips cover everything from daily pre-date preparation, pitfalls to avoid, dresscode and even cooking tips and prove equally useful for women.

As it turns out all the information in their books, articles and training courses are real world techniques that work and are all based off of their personal successes in marriage; as well as from hundreds of others couples and coaching students.

For more information on this topic, books, courses, events or to schedule an interview call 813-438-6303 or email

About Franklin and Bridgette Cruz
Franklin and Bridgette Cruz are not only Authors, but have been very successful in their respective careers. Bridgette, a former international singer, and Franklin a Veteran and Entrepreneur own several successful businesses. Their latest project, MateMorphosis, is geared towards fulfilling their commitment that “Marriages Work.”

Media Contact:

Franklin Cruz
Lakeland, FL
Tel: 888-831-8375
Cel: 813-438-6303

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Franklin Cruz

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