Managing Cash Flow More Effectively with the ConnectBooks Mobile App & Sage 50 Accounting Software

Management of cash flow successfully has always been a major challenge and key to success for Small Business Owners as they face potential shortfalls each month. ConnectBooks for Sage 50-Canadian Edition (formerly Simply Accounting) and Sage 50-US Edition (formerly Peachtree) both contain special features that help Small Business Owners manage cash flow more effectively.


Chantilly, VA -- (SBWire) -- 07/02/2013 --Visit our staff & see Demonstrations of ConnectBooks at Sage Summit at Booth 190

Understanding your cash flows means you have a good grasp of your cash inflows (income) and outflows (expenses) and their movements. Where are your cash inflows coming from? When do you receive them? Where are your cash outflows going to? When will you release them? Understanding your cash flows is not an easy process as it sounds. You need to observe, and to record everything (and these things take time) so that you can have something you can study on.

Another key ingredient to successfully manage cash flow is diligence, which means that the Owner needs to be able to review the key components daily. How does the Small Business Owner access the accounting data when out of the office (e.g., at home, vacation, conferences, prospect or customer site, etc.)? Part of the answer is already in the Owner’s pocket or on their belt. You guessed it—the Apple or Android mobile device. ConnectBooks provides the second part of the answer to the challenge to be continuously connected to their Simply Accounting and Peachtree accounting data.

IntelleApps of Chantilly, Virginia offers a mobile app that provides anytime access to your accounting data using Apple and Android mobile devices. Having the ability to access your accounting data when out of the office offers a major advantage to avoid shortfalls. In order to help you meet the challenge of dealing with an imminent shortfall, ConnectBooks has two special features (“Who Owes Me” and “Who I Owe”). These are available with the touch of your finger on your smartphone or tablet.

Who Owes Me

This displays customers with debt ordered by the largest outstanding balance. It displays the customer name, number of invoices outstanding, and total amount due. Equipped with this list, using the contact information in the customer data, Owners can approach customers and encourage prompt payment and even offer discounts or other inducements. It is also important that debtors routinely receive friendly reminders of outstanding invoices.

Who I Owe

This displays suppliers where the company owes money. These vendors (suppliers) are also listed by the greatest unpaid balance along with the number of unpaid bills. Equipped with this and contact information available with ConnectBooks, Owners can approach vendors and request delaying or reducing the payment.

Other Features

The main menu of ConnectBooks provides access down to line items detail of customers, customer transactions, vendors/suppliers, vendor transactions, chart of accounts, inventory, and employees. Access to inventory and vendor information is essential for sales staff and estimators respond promptly on proposals when at a prospect’s site.

ConnectBooks for Sage 50-Canadian Edition supports the ability for field staff to update Recurring and Delivery Invoices, generate a PDF of the updated invoice, and email it to the customer—directly from the mobile device. Watch the video by clicking on the previous link and see how this desired feature will benefit service/delivery companies. ConnectBooks reveals its plans for new features to be added in the next quarter—without any increase in subscription cost.

Click here to visit our ConnectBooks website to access information for both Sage 50 accounting products.

Media Relations Contact

Walt Mahan
Product Manager
IntelleApps, LLC

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